Those That
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Q385: I spoke to a friend to pick their brain on the issue and I was a little alarmed at what was said. In speaking with my buddy, I was advised that he was deemed unemployable despite him not requesting it or feeling as if he was. The bottom line for me is that I do want to seek help, but I don’t want to have to risk being deemed "unemployable" by the VA. Does anyone have experience with this? Could anyone advise how to avoid getting labeled IU by the VA? I’m trying not to make my life more complicated by seeking help.

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A1: To me the decision is what you want personally. I had to fight for Unemployability. I was given 100% disability, but did not receive Unemployability until my Cardiologist told me he did not want me going back to work. Then I applied for Unemployability. Some people tell you it is automatic, but I did not receive it until my Cardiologist wrote a letter to the Veterans Administration and my Congressman stating he did not want me returning to work. (WG) 4/2/20
A2: What's the risk? I have it, and I don't see any downside. (EL) 4/2/20
A3: In reference to your question of being deemed unemployable by the VA, there are a few ways this can happen. I would have to review your friends claim in order to know why he is unemployable, but most likely, he/she completed an application. The VA requests that a claim be properly filed before a decision can be decided. It may have been discussed that they are unable to work because of their conditions and the VA developed for that information. In order to be unemployable you will need to complete VA form 21-8940, and be examined for the service connected condition that prevents you from working. Again, this is something that is initiated by the Veteran. The VA will not automatically grant unemployability, without the Veterans knowledge. If you need any further assistance please email our office for help. Hope this answers your questions. (JA) 4/2/20
A4: I've been rated IU for six years the only thing I can say is if you die for anything. (ML) 4/2/20
A5: I have been deemed IU for 15 years. The reason it was granted is because I an insulin dependent diabetic (agent orange) and could not hold a medical for commercial driver so had to quit a job. There is no stigma attached to it, I get the same benefits as any other 100%er. The Veteran has to apply so anyone who tells you they were rated IU without their knowledge is having a loose relationship with the truth. (JB) 4/2/20
A6: I think IU is something you ask for if you feel you have trouble holding or getting a job. I filed for IU because of my PTSD and the meds I was taking and the effect on being able to do my job. Best I can tell you with out knowing your % and what you are filing for. A good VSO can set you on the right path. (RG) 4/2/20
A7: You should be so lucky. (DB) 4/2/20