Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q378: I am writing to ask what form do I use for service-connection for Gonorrhea? I caught gonorrhea while in service. I still have the Medical Lab Report. However, I have a less than Honorable Discharge. Is there any hope for me? And, I am being treated for PTSD at my local VA.

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A1: Regardless of health ins. or not you need to go to a hospital for care. Fight it out with the VA after you recover. (GT) 3/21/20
A2: VA form 21-526 request for compensation and statement in support. Also your medical records that support. Go to a accredited VSO and he/she will have the forms and will submit for you. Never submit direct to the VA. I would also add you need to get your discharge upgraded. A VSO can assist you. (GH) 3/21/20
A3: No rating. Not considered a service issue. (BB) 3/21/20
A4: To the person who says it is not ratable, you are incorrect.
(Authority: 38 U.S.C. 501) (1) Venereal disease. The residuals of venereal disease are not to be considered the result of willful misconduct. Consideration of service connection for residuals of venereal disease as having been incurred in service requires that the initial infection must have occurred during active service. Increase in service of manifestations of venereal disease will usually be held due to natural progress unless the facts of record indicate the increase in manifestations was precipitated by trauma or by the conditions of the veteran's service, in which event service connection may be established by aggravation. Medical principles pertaining to the incubation period and its relation to the course of the disease; i.e., initial or acute manifestation, or period and course of secondary and late residuals manifested, will be considered when time of incurrence of venereal disease prior to or after entry into service is at issue. In the issue of service connection, whether the veteran complied with service regulations and directives for reporting the disease and undergoing treatment is immaterial after November 14, 1972, and the service department characterization of acquisition of the disease as willful misconduct or as not in line of duty will not govern. (RJ) 3/23/20