Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q376: I have a runny nose, fever (101 one day, 102 one day, 103 one day), cough, sore throat and major chest pain. I gasp for air all the time. I went to the nearby VA and they turned me away. I don’t have health insurance. Where can I go for help? I know I have COVID-19 and I need help badly. Help me please!

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A1: That's really crappy. (BA) 3/21/20
A2: Are you enrolled in VA healthcare? If not they can turn you away. A hospital ER can not turn you away. (AJ) 3/21/20
A3: Go to Er. They already said if you have it they will pay for it. (WJ) 3/21/20
A4: I don't know why they turned you away? You can get relief from your symptoms. This is still American whether you are a Veteran or not. I don't know if you have Covid 19. Were you around someone that tested positive? stay well and best to you. (MK) 3/21/20
A5: Try your county hospital. (KS) 3/21/20
A6: This sounds to me this is a Bull**** statement. If In this true get in touch with with your local hospital. They will determine what is going on. Then get ahold of your congress person and state your issues. There are lawyers in your town that will advise in your issues . I get 100% excellent treatment and wonderful doctors and nurses at the VA American Lake in Washington State. (JS) 3/21/20
A7: Go to the nearest ER. Where do u live? (SK) 3/21/20
A8: Call your congressman and speak to the veterans' affairs officer. You will get results. Remember, the VA gets their money from the Appropriations Bill, which is passed through Congress. Get well soon! (SL) 3/21/20
A9: The medical staff is working normal hours ready to answer questions concerning COVID-19, Veterans who receive medical treatment can seek emergency medical care at a local hospital emergency room. However, you need to contact VA within 72 hours, recommend contacting Tele-Health, doctor (VA), Healthy Vet, and billing for further information. (RK) 3/21/20
A10: Go to the nearest Hospital emergency room. The VA has to pay for it. (JM) 3/21/10
A11: You have to call the VA , they, not the ER will tell you where to go for the test, they have been advising all; veterans if they feel they may be positive to the virus not to go to the ER or the Clinics to call your primary and they would tell you were to go for testing, the VA will pay. (RR) 3/21/20
A12: Lotta scams out is on getting a corona virus test. (AE) 3/21/20
A13: Who diagnosed that you have the virus? If you are a veteran that's enrolled in VA health care you have several options. You can go to Urgent Care or an Emergency Room. The VA at their clinics are only taking scheduled appointments for obvious reasons. VA hospitals have emergency rooms where they will see you on a walk-in basis. (GH) 3/21/20
A14: Just go to your local hospital and give them your va card. (JF) 3/21/20
A15: See note from VA.
Coronavirus: What Veterans Need to Know
COVID-19: Answers to Your Questions
Veteran and partner reviewing coronvirus FAQs on
Our call centers and some VA health facilities are experiencing very high numbers of calls. To help us address the most urgent needs first, we ask that you use our online tools for routine or non-urgent questions.
The CDC defines COVID-19 as a new type of coronavirus. If you have a fever, a cough, and shortness of breath, call your VA medical center before going to a clinic, urgent care, or emergency room. You can also send your doctor a secure message. Contacting us first helps us protect you, medical staff, and other patients. Concerns about COVID-19 can be stressful for many people, and it's understandable to feel anxious. Let VA help. We have answers to your questions. (RR) 3/21/20
A16: Call your County Health Dept. They will talk with you about your symptoms and direct you as to what to do. Don't worry about Insurance. Tell them you are covered by the VA. (JM) 3/21/20
A17: Go to an emergency room now. They are not allowed to turn anyone away for any reason. (CS) 3/21/20
A18: If you have a VA medical card and/or a DD214 showing honorable discharge they cannot turn you away. Go on MyHealthVA website first sign in or register if you don't have an account. Send a secure message telling VA your symptoms and ask for emergency visit. If no response try going to VA hospital again if possible bring a family member with you. If you test positive you will be treated and quarantined and you will not be able to leave or move your car. Also go on Benefits. gov website and read guidelines if you believe you have the coronavirus symptoms. Good luck. (KG) 3/21/20
A19: Call your VA Med Center and explain your health condition. They don't want people to go there unless they are instructed to go. Covvid19 is treatable at home the Covid-19 is treatable at home. Gargle with salt water 2 or 3 times a day and drink some water every 8 or 10 minutes. If you have big breathing problems go to any emergency room. (AMPL) 3/21/20
A20: Only suggestion I have for you buddy is just go to local hospital, they WILL NOT turn you away. You must force yourself to get out of bed and take care of yourself, do not wait do this immediately, thank this just as if your old commander gave you and order. My wife and I will pray for you. God Bless, get well and drop me an email to give us your progress. This is a crazy time in our lives. President Trump is doing a great job and he won't stop until this is behind us. (MB) 3/21/20
A21: Go to the nearest ER at a hospital...they cannot turn someone away. (GL) 3/21/20
A22: If your a Vet. and served more than 90 days and was discharged with other that a Dishonorable they must see you. If not go to a regular hospital and by law they have to treat you. And if you do have that virus you are putting many people at risk. Even the president has made statements that all persons with this virus must have medical attention. After this and you get treated find a good attorney and if you can't get a hold of one to help you sue them ( provided you live in Nevada and close to Carson City ) I can help you get one. I know one that happens to be a great friend and a very good Attorney . I realize that is not your main concern right now. But as I said go to your nearest hospital for help. They have to help you. Didn't you get the card from VA that you can use at any hospital if you can't get into or to VA. They sent them out about 2 years ago. I'm hoping this helps a little. The public doesn't want anyone running around that is a carrier of this deadly virus. What VA hospital did you go to? Us other Vets. want to know. If we do we can call them and find out what and why did they turn a Vet away when that Vet needs help. Your a hero in the public's eye's I know you feel alone right now ,but don't. You have thousands of American Veterans behind you. God bless you and I will pray you don't have this deadly virus . You must tell us what veterans hospital tuned you away and why they wouldn't treat you . (GD) 3/21/20
A23: Any hospital or public health office should help you. You do not give much information to go by. Are you a veteran? Do you have your DD-214 on you, at least a copy. Did you go to a VA hospital or a contract VA clinic. They are not the same. Any VA hospital should take anyone who shows up and if you are not a veteran or an eligible veteran, there are categories, then you may have to pay in the long run. This is the situation we have today as we do not have a national healthcare program as modern countries have. Your symptoms are common and broad so chances are you do not have Coronavirus. Go to any public medical facility to be checked to be sure. Regular flu has killed more than 20,000 in the USA already. If you are an eligible veteran with honorable service and have low income you will not have to pay. I hope this helps. (JD) 3/22/20
A24: Health department could help or local hospital will help you try to go as soon as possible. God help you, praying for you. (JF) 3/22/20
A25: Go to your local ER and follow their direction. Even with out insurance they must see you. (RT) 3/22/20