Those That
Questions & Answers
INSTRUCTIONS: Please read each question carefully. If you are able to answer question appropriately use the form below the question to respond. Your name will not appear on the public answer page. Only your initials and date of your response will be visible.
Q363: I was born with the left mussel in my chest abnormal, was able to join the Navy, after 2 years of not being able to reach overhead with my left arm, the Navy operated, although I could lift my left arm over my head, it was noticeably weaker. I was discharged from the Navy Honorably under medical conditions...I have experienced considerable problems over the years, the VA hospital have given me shots in that shoulder, the problems persists. Can I apply for compensation and expect a positive outcome? I am already 20% on tinnitus and hearing. I'm 77 yrs old... served on the USS Johnston DD821.

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A1: I'm 100% diabled and have dealt with the VA and disability system for over 35 years. To the best of my knowledge , since you were born with the condition it would be "pre-existing " and not caused by, or a result of your service, and would not be compensatable, although the VA tried to correct the condition with surgery. Again. I may be wrong, so I suggest you speak with your local VSO for advise on this. Be well and best of luck to you. (JB) 2/11/20
A2: While you say you were born with the condition, the surgery the Navy performed may have done more harm than good. If the surgery is documented in your Service Medical Record, and the on-going issues documented in your VA medical record, you MAY be eligible for additional compensation. Go talk to an Accredited Veteran Service Officer. (DJ) 2/12/20