Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q362: I have been disabled through the VA for 27 years. Over the course of those years, the VA diagnosed me with Type 2 Diabetes, Hepatitis C, Hypertension, and Heart failure at which they gave me an ICD device, (Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator). I assume that since this all happened after I retired, they can't be claimed?

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A1: Yes anything can be claimed. But you have to have a fully developed claim for compensation. That includes a nexus to the military. If you were in Vietnam Nam diabetes is presumptive . The best thing to do is take your information to your local DAV service officer and he will be able to assist you. (TB) 2/11/20
A2: Did you serve in Vietnam, Thailand at any time from 1961 to 1974 or near the DMZ in Korea from 1967 to 1971. What are you disabled for by the VA. If you are a Vietnam War veteran and suffer from the illnesses you describe, go see a veterans service organization immediately and file a new disability claim fior an increase in your VA rating. Make sure you have the medical evidence and doctors records to support your diagnosis for your medical conditions. If you are eligible don't put off filing your claim and have a VSO file the claim for you because it is a free service. Good luck. (KG) 2/11/20
A3: You will need to show or prove that your medical issues are service connected. Or caused by your time in the military. I serviced in Vietnam 1967/68 and filed after I retired and was awarded 100% permanent and total disability. Contact a Veteran's Service Officer, VSO. (RR) 2/11/20
A4: Were you Agent Orange exposed? If yes, go to VA office and apply for disability. (SA) 2/11/20
A5: Why not? No harm in asking a DAV Rep., or VFW, American Legion Representatives. Good luck. (SS) 2/11/20
A6: Assume nothing. Consult with the American Legion, VFW, DAV, etc. and find out. (JD) 2/11/20
A7: Where did you serve and with whom? Diabetes Type II has been linked to Agent Orange exposure and you can put in a claim for that. Of course, Diabetes Type II kills you one piece at a time, Agent Orange exposure can lead to heart disease and a host of other problems. Get together with a service officer from DAV and they can guide you through the claim process. Good luck. (LM) 2/11/20