Those That
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Q350: I was stationed at Eglin AFB, Florida at the time our military men were returning from Vietnam. I belonged to the 3246 Tactical Test Wing. Our crews had returned from Vietnam bringing Vietnam refugees back to our base and setting up camp for them. I am 100% VA compensated. Our planes would have had Agent Orange on the planes on their return to our base. Without knowing, could I have possibly been exposed to Agent Orange chemical residue on the air planes? Concerned.

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A1: When you flew to Vietnam to pick up the refugees and set foot in country you are presuned to have been exposed to AO. I would adventure to say some of your disabilities are related to AO. (GR) 1/29/20
A2: I would say that it is highly unlikely in this scenario to have been exposed to agent orange. If you are experiencing health issues go to the VA and get checked out. At 100% there would be no increase in compensation for agent orange exposure. (TB) 1/29/20
A3: All I can say is good luck with that. I was in country Vietnam from 68-71, up in the very nort on the DMZ, got sprayed several times lived on a base void of anything growing, from agent orange, and have been denied service connection for years. The VA has made an effort to deny service connection just hoping we all die off before they have to admit exposure and service related. (DD) 1/29/20
A4: Yes, I believe you were exposed. Maybe from the planes, or maybe right there at Eglin. Test was done several times around and over Elgin Air base. I found a site called agent orange missions. It lists when, where, and how much was sprayed. Eglin was on that list in the United States. Good Luck. (MR) 1/30/20