Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q333: I was honorably discharged after the orders of the Silver Star went out to my company`s First Sergeant. I found out about this when the Specialist-4 emailed me after finding my email and notified me of the facts on my earning the Bronze Star. I truly would like to have this for the men that didn`t get to return to their loved ones n families. How do I get one? One other issue since I`m here. I`ve had three separate surgeries for prostate problems (was never told whether it was cancer or not) and due to these issues I lost a testicle which as we all know is a sex-organ. Yes I was in the A/O area when serving combat duty in the V.N.

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A1: If you have a Bronze Star award it will be listed on your DD214, whether Meritorious Service or Valor ("V"). As to how to "get", they are available for purchase without proof from many sources, online or even antique stores...including ribbon and small medals. However, if your award is not shown on your DD214 or with orders (your military records requested from the Personnel Center), that is a bigger problem. If you do not have your records, search in your browser for instructions, or go to the VA website to find. (GW) 12/28/19
A2: No matter what if it is not in your record you have no chance on getting it. The paper work must be submitted and approved and it would be on your DD214 If you feel that your action warrants a Bronze and you have proof like someone that was with you when the action took place. You can write to the branch of the service that you were in and present your case. Good Luck. (PJ) 12/28/19
A3: Request your records at eVetRecs. In the remarks block, add the following in the remarks block: request all records of assignment, efficiency ratings and awards. If your records were destroyed, the National Archives facility in College Park, MD, has Division records, but you or a paid researcher have to do the search. (DW) 12/29/19
A4: You can request all information during your time in the military here, even all your US issued ribbons. (RD) 12/29/19
A5: To get your Bronze Star you believe you are entitled too, complete and submit a DD 149 to the address on the DD 149. Your particular service department will gather any necessary information that may be available and make a determination as to your entitlement. If you are entitled, you will receive a DD 215 (correction to your DD 214). As far as your loss of testicle, you have to be service connected for a disability before VA can pay any compensation. As far as your prostate issue, you will need to find a pathology report showing it was prostate cancer. Then submit your claim to the VA. If the loss of the testicle was related to the prostate cancer, you could be service connected on a conceded basis due to exposure to AO and entitled to SMC K (loss of use) due to the testicle removal. If you can show where you had prostate problems during your military service and they continued after your service, then you may get service connection on a direct basis. (DS) 4/14/21
A6: For both the Silver Star and the prostate/Agent orange issues, go see either your County Veterans Service Officer or an Accredited Service Officer at a major Veterans Service Organization. They know how to track down the documentation and get you any Awards you earned that you don't already have, and can submit your claim for Agent Orange-related compensation. (DJ) 4/14/21
A7: Get ahold of a VVA Rep immediately. Make sure he is a VVA Rep. You need someone who is informed about AO. It took me years before it was acknowledged. There is still so much wrong being done. I would say more, but I have learned not to trust No One. Do your research. (PG) 4/14/21