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Q319: I was awarded 100% in 2005 and I have not worked since that time. I’m better now and just secured a full time job. Am I mandated to report my employment status to the VA?

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A1: Yes because a 100 per cent rating means you are unemployable. (RS) 12/12/19
A2: Don't worry, they'll catch it with social security records. When they do, kiss your 100% goodby. (BW) 12/12/19
A3: You mentioned you were awarded 100% but did not say if you r 100%, included unemployability. If it did and it is "meaningful" employment, I would suggest seeking local help. They are looking to reduce compensation percentages and it is said that Veteran's on unemplyability will be checked against Social Security records. It is also possible that other percentages you have could be affected by returning to work. Check with your local service organization. (LE) 12/12/19
A4: Were you awarded unemployable? If you are you can't make more than poverty level. If your still employable you shouldn't have to report you working. (ML) 12/12/19
A5: If you are 100% P&T unemployable, the answer is yes. If not, then, no. (DS) 12/12/19
A6: I am a VVA/VSO and it looks like your condition has improved. If the VA gets information that you are better, they will probably want to see you and go over your condition probably to see that your 100% just got better. All due indications they will probably drop some if not all of your 100%. It will definitely be up to the VA unless you can come up with New and Material evidence especially medical to substantiate that you are still 100% even though you went back to work. I do wish you the best. Respectfully, Gary Letterhhouse Sr. VVA/VSO. (GL) 12/12/19
A7: I would say so. It would depend on how the 100% was awarded.
Stay safe and have them check it out for you. Good luck. (RS) 12/12/19
A8: If your letter of awarded mentions "total combine rate is 100% P&T and no further examination" which means you are rated as 100% schedular you are not required to report your employment unless otherwise instructed in your letter. If you were awarded 100% TDIU but 90% rated (temporary disable due to individual unemployment) you cannot be gainfully employed because of your condition however however it also states the you cannot be making over the last time I remember, over $11,000 a year. I recommend you get with your representative or VSO. (JR) 12/12/19
A9: Yes, most definitely. You said you got 100% and now you are better so you got a full time job. Yes, by all means. Report it to the VA and let them decide otherwise, you might be charged with committing fraud. (RC) 12/12/19
A10: Don't worry Social Security Administration will do the reporting to the VA for you. I would imagine a C&P may be in your future since you have had such a great recovery. I recommend you get in touch with an Accredited VSO with the Am Legion, VFW or DAV and get some guidance. Keep his/her phone number on speed dial. (GH) 12/23/19