Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q302: I was in Khe Sahn in 1967-68 during Tet Offensive. Agent Orange was used there. I have low blood sugar, my feet are numb and I have had rashes off and on for years. I have had 3 back, 2 hand and 2 knee replacements. I will be going in soon for shoulder replacement for both shoulders. I have been turned down for benefits. Who can help me?

If you have a question about benefits, compensation, pension or VA related issues please submit here.
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A1: Hey Marine...go talk to the DAV about representing you for your claim, they do good work. Good luck Brother. (BO) 11/23/19
A2: If you were not denied recenntly file an appeal on your most recent denial. The rating rules have een liberalized. As long as you can show location, time, and presumptive disease, you should be rated and back dated to your original rejection. I really recommend that you file through a Veteran Service Officer a Veteran's Organization. Its free and they know more about the claims process than you do. (WBC) 11/24/19
A3: The problems you describe are NOT covered on the Presumptive List for AO, and that is probably the reason for denial. Get a good VSO (check with your local VFW or American Legion to find one) and turn the evidence over to him. They are usually very knowledgeable about the process and how to tailor your request to best suit your AO claim. Good Luck brother. (LC) 11/24/19
A4: Get a lawyer! (DM) 11/25/19
A5: Who do you have representing you? You need a Service Organization to do you claim. VFW , DAV, American Legion or a good Vets Center Rep. Don't do it yourself. (FU) 11/25/19