Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q277: I was diagnosed with sleep apnea at the VA sleep center. Do I qualify for compensation for this condition? They told me I would stop breathing up to 50 times an hour.

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A1: It would depend on if your apnea is service connected. Work with your local DAV (or any service agency such as VFW, purple heart, etc) to see if you're elegible for benefits. (KD) 11/3/19
A2: Your diagnosed sleep apnea must be related to a medical condition you had while on active duty in the military. Usually a medical condition related to your respiratory system. Try to remember if you were ever treated for a respiratory problem or infection while you were on active duty. If so go to a veterans service org like the DAV and ask them to file a disability claim with the VA and they will represent you for free. VA must then obtain all of your medical and personal service records. If your military medical records show a condition you were treated for related to your military service or your military occupational specialty shows you might have worked with asbestos related materials, the VA will set you up for a medical exam related to that respiratory condition, which might include an examination for sleep apnea. Good luck. (KG) 11/3/19
A3: VSO is a waste of VA and taxpayer money. After 3 attempts I called them and told them NOT to interfere with my VA benefits or I would sue them. #1 Travel 200 miles to an alleged VA doc who was a Plastic Surgeon to evaluate my shoulders and legs for naturopathy. ( checked him out on-line and he did not even have an office ). # 2 A Physicians Assistant in a strip mall. # 3 A Neurologist that only dealt with sleeping disorders. I bit on this one because he was at a local hospital, had an office. My wife and I went into his office to be turned away. He would not see me. Talk to them on the phone and it's like a pizza delivery service. " Want wings and fries with the pizza?" (HH) 11/3/19
A4: You could qualify for this disability but you need to file 21-526ez along with a copy of your DD Form 214 to the VA Janesville, Wisconsin. (GR) 11/3/19
A5: Would like to add another comment to go with Answer 1. If your current service connected disabilities keep you from exercising causing you to gain weigh you may have a secondary claim. Something like this statement: Service connected disability aggravates my obesity/weigh gain which aggravates my sleep apnea.
Sleep Apnea is a very dangerous disease. Please have your PCP schedule you for a sleep study. (SW) 11/4/19