Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q275: I received a letter from the VA stating that my sleep apnea had been approved for 50% after my appeal and letters from my PCP. There was also something about my 40% hearing, the way I read it was that I would be losing my hearing compensation then someone else read it and they said it was saying that I could not attempt to increase the 40%. Can someone please explain this to me if you understand what I’m trying to say?

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A1: The best thing I can suggest is take your letter to an Accredited Veteran Service Officer, such as your County Veterans Service Officer, or one from the American Legion, DAV, or other Veterans Service Organization. (DJ) 10/26/19
A2: Without having the benefit of reading your letter, I presume that you're confused about the VA's combined rating system. Logic dictates that 40% + 50% = 90% disability, but the VA uses a combined ratings table that combines your disability ratings and lowers it to 70%. The table can be found in VA's website. I suggest that you find a competent Veteran Service Officer (VSO) and get their help in explaining the letter. (AB) 10/29/19
A3: I would request a reevaluation of your hearing through the VA. You have to fight to compensation. Make them do what you need them to. Do not give UP! (TP) 3/25/20