Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q270: I served in Vietnam, Honorably discharged. No service related disabilities except hearing problems. How do I find out if I am eligible for some kind of VA disability compensation?

If you have a question about benefits, compensation, pension or VA related issues please submit here.
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A1: The little know age 65 War pension, apply on-line, then print out form, fill it out send it in. (JA) 10/21/19
A2: If you were "boots on the ground" in Viet Nam, you are most likely eligible to receive compensation for Agent Orange exposure. Contact your local County Veteran Services office for more information. (LC) 10/21/19
A3: If you are not in the VA system that is first. After that ask for a hearing test - most VA clinics can do that for you. With those results file your claim for tendinitis. VFW VSO VN 69-69. (CB) 10/21/19
A4: Contact a Service Officer at your local DAV (Disabled American Veterans), Am Legion, purple heart etc. They are the best qualified to assist you in learning of any benefits. (KD) 10/21/19
A5: Have you been to the VA and gotten a provider? That would be your first step. Then ask them for a referral to have your hearing tested. Tinnitus is compensable. Do you have PTSD, anxiety or other mental struggles? Have the provider refer you to the Mental Health department to be evaluated for that. You can file claims for all 3. Get a diagnosis and see a VSO at your local Vet Center and they can help you file even though it is pretty easy to do yourself online. You have to have a medical diagnosis in order to file. (MAC) 10/24/19