Those That
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Q259: I turned in paperwork to get my mileage check the last time I went to my VA appointment. It was rejected. The clerk said there are new regulations that require me to live a long way away. The clerk said I did not live far away enough to qualify. I live more than 150 miles away from the nearest VA facility. I believe the VA owes me money. How do I get reimbursed?

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A1: Write to your congressman with copies of documents that you submitted and any letters to received back of why denied. If phone calls just give approximate date and time called and the response they gave you. That many miles one way if an appointment was set that you had to go to I am pretty sure they have to pay you for them. Used to be about 34 miles as the crow flies but that was supposedly changed by congress and then it was travelling distance. The VA might have a VES office close by or other non usable office that is close to use as an excuse not to pay out. They are doing everything they can to save money even if they have to lie, cheat and steal to get it done. Nothing is safe or sacred by them anymore. Part of government so what do we expect. Best of Luck and hope this helps. (JRM) 10/8/19
A2: I've never heard of this. I live 40 miles away and always get mileage. Get with your vso in your area and get this corrected. (MH) 10/8/19
A3: Fill out this form:
The form may be presented in person or mailed to VA health care facility where care was provided.
Who is Eligible for Reimbursement of Travel Expenses
1. Veterans rated by VA 30% or more service-connected for travel relating to any condition
2. Veterans rated by VA less than 30% for travel relating to their service-connected condition
3. Veterans receiving VA pension benefits for travel relating to any condition. (SW) 10/8/19
A4: I would go to the patient advocate, have her call the person in charge and find out why, Sounds like the clerk did not know her job. (TH) 10/8/19
A5: I would go to the patient advocate, have her call the person in charge and find out why, Sounds like the clerk did not know her job. (JB) 10/8/19
A6: Distance has nothing to do with beneficiary travel eligibility. I am copying and pasting from the website what it takes to be eligible for travel reimbursement. Please note this list does not tell you that if you are a Priority Group 5 and you are pharmacy co-pay exempt (which also makes you eligible for reimbursement) that you have to do a financial update each year. If you are a PG 5 your financial update may have expired. Here we go:
In order to be eligible for BT benefits, there are specific eligibility criteria the Veteran must meet. You can verify this information by checking the Veteran's registration information and/or patient record.
The applicant is eligible for BT benefits if he or she:
- Is a 30% or more Service-Connected (SC) Veteran and eligible for travel related to any condition
- Is a less than 30% SC Veteran and travel is for care related to any SC condition. These Veterans may also qualify for travel for Nonservice-Connected (NSC) conditions if their income is less than the VA pension threshold
- Is a Veteran traveling for a Compensation & Pension (C&P) exam
- Is a Veteran receiving a VA pension, which means he or she is eligible for travel for care of all conditions (38 U.S.C. 1521)
- Is a Veteran and does not exceed the appropriate VA annual rate of pension in his or her income for the previous calendar year or projected for current calendar year, which means he or she is eligible for travel for care of all conditions
- Is a non-Veteran whose travel is in relation to care for a Veteran (e.g., attendants, donors, caregivers under the National Caregiver program)
- Is a beneficiary of another Federal agency and is authorized for BT benefits by that agency
- Is an allied Veteran authorized by an appropriate foreign Government agency
- Is traveling in relation to VA or VA-authorized non-VA transplant care
- Is an inpatient and interfacility transfer is required
- Is receiving outpatient care at a VA facility and an emergency medical condition develops that the facility is incapable of treating, thereby creating a situation where transport is required to a second VA or VA-authorized non-VA facility for
immediate care. (WJ) 10/8/19
A7: You should be paid. You get paid for mileage if it's for service connection or if you are within a certain income amount. The regulations states also if you live over 30 miles from the hospital. (RR) 10/8/19
A8: I thought it was 40 miles. If this changed how are you to know? (MM) 10/8/19
A9: After every appointment go to the small kiosks usually located thruout the facilities...or to the travel office or help desk. Have your VA card ready and fill out the form on paper or thru the kiosk. You will verify your home address and phone. It is submitted and you recieve a check or direct deposit in 2 to 6 weeks depending on how backed up they are. I live anout 50 miles from the Tallahassee, FL VA center which is where I choose to go. I have to drive to Gainesville for hospitalization and surgical procedures which is obmver 3 hours drive for me. Im reimbursed based on the closest facility to me and if that facility can provide that particular care. It used to be mileage but the previous administration changed it to Zip code to zip code which makes it less money for them and you. Claims HAVE to be submitted withon 30 days to be reimbursed. (JW) 10/8/19
A10: I do t know who directly but if I get reimbursement for 60 miles you need to fight that issue. (IG) 10/8/19
A11: You must go to the business office at your VA facility. It's based on milage. Can be one mile or one hundred. Go get your reimbursements. (LS) 10/12/19