Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q253: I am a Vietnam veteran and I saw a lot of combat action in Vietnam. I was around gunfire, tank fire and mortar explosions a lot. The veterans at the VA said my MOS will help me get disability compensation for my tinnitus. I was a door gunner. My question, what MOS’s are more prone to tinnitus?

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A1: I was a machine gunner in the USMC in Nam in 65-66 and my MOS was 0331. I receive VA pay for tinnitus. (JF) 10/1/19
A2: There isn't really a "list", but for some MOS's it's pretty much a given. For instance many flight line jobs, heavy equipment operators, etc. I was a jet engine mechanic and worked in the hush house - it was a given. (That and the fact I was walking into a building when it took a direct hit....). (KD) 10/1/19
A3: It's called the Duty MOS Noise ExPOSURE LIST. I would paste a copy here if it would let me , but it will not.If i had your e mail. I might be able to send you a copy of it. (CS) 10/2/19