Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q250: Each base has a different access requirement for a spouse. I am 30% and allowed on with my VA health card and my wife will accompany me to shop. Problem is if I have to go to the building to get wife a pass each time and I have to wait 45 min in line. Not worth the wait. Will some bases allow me to show my pass and her driver’s license for access? I know an air base won’t let her in without a pass. She should be allowed to have a yearly pass, it’s easy to vette. What say you all?

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A1: When you get the pass for you wife, ask where are ID's cards made at. Go and have an ID card made for her. That is what I did when I got my 100% total and permanent and my wife has her own ID card. (GR) 9/24/19
A2: I have done this for decades, only with far more important document and reason, my passport. Most countries have a national ID system, the US does not, but we often are required while traveling to present our national ID card. My passport copy, clearly identified as such, has never been refused for entry into even foreign government offices. Readily accepted in lieu of drivers licenses in most cases. (RS) 9/24/19
A3: I was at West Point yesterday. The provide yearly passes. I guess you have to ask. (MB) 9/24/19
A4: I have not heard of anyone gaining access to a military base with a 30 percent VA healthcare card unless there is a VA Clinic on the base. Shopping at the exchange or commissary for disabled veterans is not supposed to begin until 1 January 2020 unless you are 100 percent. What base are you going onto to shop? (JD) 9/29/19