Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q243: I am in need of major dental work. A local dental group conducted a Dental Fair in my neighborhood and after looking at my teeth they said it would cost me $10,000 - $35,000 to get my teeth fixed. I don’t have insurance and I don’t have that kind of money. I’m enrolled with VA medical care, and I am only 60% service-connected. I need to be 100% for VA dental. Any help or suggestions where I can go or how I can get some dental group to fix me teeth?

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A1: Check to see if their is a dental school in your area. Pro: You may some of the work done and maybe some of the major dental work done . Con: You will have a dental student working under the supervision of a real dentist. An you will have to sign a wavier form before they do any work and school will tell you up front plenty much what I said. (AM) 9/14/19
A2: You could qualify for Individual Unemployability if your 60% is for one Disability. Respond by email to me and I will assist you on how to get upgraded to get dental. (GR) 9/14/19
A3: AARP, COSTCO, CARE CREDIT and even the VA has a dental program for vets with 60% disability or less. I think the VA plan is with Liberty Insurance. Care Credit works with Dentists, Eye doctors etc. to cut you deals on needed dental procedures and then will finance the balance with low rates over a set amount of time that you decide on. Good luck. (WH) 9/16/19
A4: Go to Aid and Attendance at your local VA Regional Office and explain your situation to them. If you are missing multiple teeth, tell them that you can not enjoy foods that you enjoyed before. Explain to them that your quality of life is not the same as when you had good teeth e.g.----that you can not go to a restaurant and enjoy a delicious steak because you have bad (or no teeth) to chew thru it. That is where the "AID" in Attendance comes in. Going for Unemployability will work too, but it will take some time. Aid and Attendance will work right now.....if you explain to them about your quality of life when it comes to enjoying a good steak and NOT being able to chew thru it. Good Luck, My Brother! Just be patient BUT persistent! (RA) 9/16/19