Those That
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Q242: Nothing works for this problem, but how in the heck do I get information on Erectile Dysfunction caused by exposure to Agent Orange? And for compensation from VA? I have had ED since I left Vietnam, not at once but gradually over the years. No I am full ED. I just found out my ED could be considered a benefit/compensation/disability.

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A1: Take your medical diagnosis and a copy of your DD214 or any military records you served in Vietnam and go see a service organization like the DAV or the VFW and ask them to file a disability claim on your behalf. There is no charge for the service and they can advise you how to proceed with your claim. Also find out from your doctor if you have any symptoms of diabetes mellitus. Good luck. (KG) 9/14/19
A2: ED by itself would probably be rated at 0%, but be compensated at about $100.00 per month. It is usually secondary to other Agent Orange diseases. Do a 21-526ez and file a claim for it and see how the VA responds to it. (GR) 9/14/19
A3: My husbands ED was diagnosed by the VA. Then we went to the local CVSO to file a claim. If a private Dr. (outside the VA) diagnosed you be sure to have the proper paper work (DBQ's) filled out by his/her office. Then take them to your CVSO to submit with your claim. As much evidence as you can get can't hurt. You may have to do some leg work of your own. That's what I did for my husband. (DE) 9/14/19
A4: You can get special monthly compensation. You need to put in a claim. (LE) 9/14/19
A5: Ed is considered a special disability. The payment is for loss of use of a productive organ, like an arm, leg, etc. PTSD medications can give you ED and prostate issues can cause ED. I got mine approved over the phone because the meds for ptsd have side affects that state ED is a possible affect. My prostate biopsy added to the ED issue. (WH) 9/16/19