Those That
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Q241: My husband just passed away on Sept 04, 2019 in a civilian hospice facility. He spent quite a bit of time in the hospital prior to hospice over the last several months. He was an Air Force retiree with 23.5 years of service and had cancer due to Agent Orange. As his widow, what help can I get, especially when I see Sept 11 as the date the Bill passed and he died Sept 04?

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A1: When a veteran dies from a service-connected disability, that veteran's surviving spouse, children, and under some conditions, parents are eligible for dependency and indemnity compensation (DIC) from VA. DIC is a monthly payment made to a surviving spouse, child, or parent because of a service-connected death.
A spouse must establish entitlement to DIC under one of these conditions:
- the veteran died on active military service; or
- the veteran had a service-connected disability that was either the principal or contributing cause of death; or
- the veteran died from a non-service-connected injury or disease and was receiving, or entitled to receive, VA compensation for a service-connected disability rated totally disabling for at least (a) 10 years before death, (b) at least 5 years after the release from active duty preceding death, or (c) at least 1 year before death, if the veteran was a former prisoner of war who died after September 30, 1999.
In your situation, your wife would be eligible for DIC if your cause of death was primarily due to your service-connected disability. If you have been rated permanently and totally disabled for at least 10 years, then your wife would also be eligible for DIC, even if your death was the result of a non-service-connected injury or disease. In addition to DIC, your wife would also be eligible for VA's health benefits program for beneficiaries, CHAMPVA. (PD) 9/14/19
A2: Go to SS OFFICE. and check for your benefits. Go to NEAREST MILITARY BASE AND TALK WITH RSO TO DETERMINE ALL YOUR BENEFITS. YOU SHOULD BE QUALIFIED FOR 55% of his designated retirement $$. Note designated. Should qualify for $1200+/month from DIC. EXPLORE FOR $$$ and benefits from your state. (GV) 9/14/19
A3: You are most likely eligible for Dic. The local vso, DAV or the American Legion should be able to assist you. (AD) 9/14/19
A4: Sorry to hear of your loss. If your husband was V.A. rated disabled and died as a result of the disabilities you may very well be due help from the V.A. Best to seek out a VSO- Veterans Service Officer for free advise. Wish you all the best! (RR) 9/14/19
A5: I don't know for sure what benefits you qualify for. But I would go to my local CVSO office for help. Sorry to hear of your husband's passing. My husband also is dealing with Agent Orange issues. Don't give up. Take care. (DE) 9/14/19
A6: You have 1 yr from passing to file. IF your husband was drawing a disability ck then he was enrolled in the VA. If not, need to find a VSO (DAV, AM Legion or VFW) to help you. (CB) 9/14/19
A7: Without knowing your location, your best bet will be your state veterans office. Every state is required to have one. If the location is close, that's great. If not, call them and they should be able to direct you to a veterans service officer in your locality. (RD) 9/15/19
A8: Go to your nearest VSO Office. Have his DD214 and his Death Certificate and your marriage Licences. Do you know if he was Service Connected? If so take his award letter with you for DIC. (RG) 9/23/19