Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q239: The VA keeps talking about compensation for Agent Orange. I have suffered for over forty years and was never compensated or given anything for it. Where is my check?

If you have a question about benefits, compensation, pension or VA related issues please submit here.
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A1: Have you ever filed a disability claim. That is the only way to receive disability compensation is to file and the VA will respond to it. (GR) 9/11/19
A2: You will need to contact your local service officer and ask them to assist you in filing for agent orange benefits. You find one at any Veterans organization like your local American Legion, VFW, or DAV or any organization like them. (SR) 9/11/19
A3: You DO have to actually file a claim for disability. Find a service officer to assist you through the DAV, Am Legion, VFW, etc. (KD) 9/11/19
A4: For compensation of Agent Orange ITSELF, you will have to wait "till Hell Freezes Over". There is NO Compensation for "Agent Orange". VA will ONLY pay for a disease that is caused by Agent Orange. There are only 14 Presumptive Diseases attributed to Agent Orange that VA will pay for. One of those 14 Diseases must have been diagnosed by a Medical Doctor; then it's up to you to file a VA claim, submit the doctor's medical report (THAT is your evidence that you have one of the 14 Diseases); you will than be scheduled for an evaluation of your claim by a VA doctor. Your doctor's medical report (evidence) can be from a civilian doctor too. Just remember, there is NO claim paid for "Agent Orange" only for one of the 14 diseases that are caused by Agent Orange. Google "Agent Orange" and you will see the 14 Diseases caused by Agent Orange that VA will pay for. If you have been diagnosed by one of those diseases, you have a claim. If not, Good Luck. But in the meantime, be Patient but Persistent! (RA) 9/11/19
A5: You did not say if you ever filed for it? If you haven't, you need to file a claim. Even if you have filed a claim, I suggest you get together with your local VSO so action may be taken. It is always better to use your VSO instead of tackling it yourself since they know the current forms, etc., that are required to file a claim. (RC) 9/11/19
A6: You did not say if you ever filed for it? If you haven't, you need to file a claim. Even if you have filed a claim, I suggest you get together with your local VSO so action may be taken. It is always better to use your VSO instead of tackling it yourself since they know the current forms, etc., that are required to file a claim. (MT) 9/11/19
A7: VA only pays for disables AO caused. There is no check for AO. (TC) 9/11/19