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Questions & Answers
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Q230: I was denied an increase for my knees so I hired a veteran lawyer to handle my case. I attained to go before the UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEAL FOR VETERANS CLAIMS. The letter stated: Enclosed please find a copy of the United States Court Of Appeals For Veteran Claims Decision Dated 6/29/2017. The Court found in your Favor that the board Committed a Legal error. The court ordered that your case be sent back to the Board with instructions to correct its error. 10/03/2017 the decision was the court issued a decision that remand(sent back) my case to the board for reajudication and issuance a new decision on 10/03/2017. Why was my case taken form my attorney and given to DAV? I retained an attorney because I got no answer from 2012 to 2014. My attorney was paid 10/2017. Now I am still waiting and the DAV has no records from the court decision and I’m still waiting.

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