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Q227: I am 100% P&T. What forms are used for property tax release in the state of Florida? I have been searching for months and I am unable to locate them. Thanks.

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A1: Google Florida Treasurer veterans tax exemption property. (MK) 12/28/18
A2: Call your local Property Appaiser's office. They can tell you what paperwork you need to bring with you to fill out the forms. You will need your declaration letter. Get everything to include homestead exemption done as soon as possible. (KR) 12/28/18
A3: Bring your award letter from the VA to your local tax office and they will take care of the paperwork. Has to be submitted before March 2019 ...(AP) 12/28/18
A4: Take your award letter showing 100% to your local property tax office. Simple procedure. (CV) 12/28/18
A5: Hi you can call 1800-827-1000 the ncc call center tell the rep that you need a letter for your proerty tax and they will print you out a letter they can fax it or mail it to you. (AJ) 12/28/18
A6: I went to my local tax assessors office, asked them I for an exemption, being in the same disability rating. They wanted to see my original disability letter, I submitted it and No Mo Taxes. Good Luck Depends on the state you live. (JKM) 12/28/18
A7: You must go to the state office building in the state where you live and take your award letter. (PG) 12/28/18
A8: There is no form, Just take your award lettter to the county tax office and they will do the rest. (TB) 12/28/18
A9: Go to County Clerks Office with Your Letter showing You are 100% They will take care of it there. (PH) 12/28/18
A10: In Texas you take your letter from the VA with your rating to your local tax assessor office, have you tried that? (JB) 12/28/18
A11: All I had to do in the State of Missouri was show my DD-214 and a statement from the VA that I'm disabled-Service Connected...
Florida should be pretty much the same. There is no other way to do it...(CS) 1/1/19