Those That
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Q224: I have 20% back, 20% hearing, 20% for hips. Total 60%. I'm 77 years old, and I would like to know how can I get to a 100% disabled rating?

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A1: The only way you can reach the rating of 100%, is to apply for an increase to your back, hearing loss, or hips, if any of these conditions have gotten worse. You'll need to submit new evidence indicated by your doctor that has diagnose it has getting worse. Or submit a new claim for any other service-connected condition ( with evidence of cause). Are you a Vietnam Vet? If so, do you have Diabetes? If you're diabetic, that covered under AO and you should submit a claim (with diagnosed evidence. and if you have ED, they will also give you additional $ (not a rating) because ED is a secondary to diabetes.
Good Luck. Advice from a certified VSO. (JL) 12/20/18
A2: Hello, Your answer is: Secondary Conditions! For example:
1. Secondary Conditions to Back--Sciatic Nerve, Degenerative Arthritis of Spine, and Flat Feet L & R . I would get an X-Ray first to confirm that you have these conditions then submit for the secondary conditions and for and increase on your back.
2. Secondary Conditions to Hips: L & R legs, Limitations of Flexion of and L & R ankles, limited motion of. Again, I would get with your Primary Care doctor and ask say you are in pain in these places and you would like them to be x-rayed--- Please note--Do not tell your Primary care doctor you need these x-rays for an increase in your VA disability.. They might frown upon that. Again--Just state you are in pain--if you are in these areas. I hope this helped. Also, you can contact your VSO and they might know of other "Secondary Conditions" I didn't mention! Also, if you were in Vietnam, there are some presumptive conditions that you can claim. (DG) 12/20/18
A3: You don't state if you were a Vietnam Veteran, but if you are, file a claim for PTSD. That could get you over the "Top". If you can't go that route, submit "NEW" Evidence on your current disabilities to see if you can get to 70%. One other option, If you DO make it to 70% THEN you can file for Individual Unemployability and that will give you 100%. Good Luck, My Brother! (RA) 12/20/18
A4: I would be surprised to learn you have 60% given your 3 20% ratings. VA math (google it) would make you 50%. If you are a Vietnam vet, PTSD should be on your list of disabilities. What about your hearing? Have you checked out the Agent Orange Registry & the Agent Orange Presumptive List? You are quite a ways from 100%, but should definitely visit with a VSO (Veteran Service Officer) who can advise you of your options. You should be able to google "veteran service officer" with your state name to find one close by. Good luck. Be patient as the VA is not fast. (LC) 12/20/18