Those That
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Q223: I was stationed for 1 year at Erhac AB in Turkey, and was told on my arrival that the water supply was contaminated with jet fuel and even left a smell and a feeling of oil on your body when you showered. This was in 1978 and 1979. Also spent a year at Dyess AFB in Abilene, Tx in 1968, working in the tire shop, and used MEK (Methyl Ethyl Keytone) in vats to clean B-52 bomber wheels of grime, and my hands were constantly in this liquid and the vapors were constantly inhaled, sometimes for almost an 8 hour shift, and this was done for almost a year. Since getting out of the Air Force in 1980, I have had muscular problems in my legs and feet and hands, and was told in 2007 that I had peripheral neuropathy in my feet, hands, and legs. I also have occipital neuralgia in my skull which is in the same family as the neuropathy. I filed for VA disability and was turned down for any benefits. I know from reading about these chemicals that they could cause these problems, but don't know how to validate my claims. Any advice?

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A1: Get a good law firm that knows the ins and outs of the complicated VA system. I was turned down for a few things and I use Woods and Woods Law firm. They did all the paper work. I have went from 50% to 80%. They only get 20% of the back pay for payment and then the rest is all yours. They are great. (TH) 12/20/18
A2: I would have my doctor (if he would) write you a supporting statement stating that these chemicals you were exposed to while in the Air Force as likely as not or more than like caused these disabilities. I also would search the web (google) to find other VA appeal cases which were similar to yours which granted benefits for simular circumstances this shows that it has been approved before. (LG) 12/20/18
A3: Get a lawyer. (KM) 12/20/18
A4: The only way you will get benifits from using chemicals is if you have anxiety and depression. I had the same job with using chemicals in the airforce. Get your primary dr to get you an evaualtion with a pyscologist. Then you will be able to file a claim. Anxiety and depression. (HD) 12/20/18
A5: Get your military and medical records Hire a lawyer. (TP) 12/20/18
A6: Find a VSO (Veteran Service Officer) for help. (WP) 12/20/18