Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q220: I haven't received my increase either and need a HIGHER RATING with new evidences and doctors and ongoing counselor yet, American Legion full of ???? and the Baltimore Hopkins Plaza is the same. What can I do?

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A1: Visit the nearest DAV & request they re-submit your claim!!! (RW) 12/17/18
A2: Be frickin persistent. Not annoying or arrogant, just persistent.
Best advice you?re going to get! (PB) 12/17/18
A3: Try through the DAV disabled American veterans assoc. or the nearest veteran benefit counselor. (AA) 12/17/18
A4: Is appears the problem may be you and not others. (LG) 12/17/18
A5: 1. Determin what really wrong with you ,,(your disabilities.
2. Go see your private doctor ,,and have him diagnose what really is your disabilities..
3. Have the original copy of his finding be sent to the va attach it to your VA claim report and send it to your VA REGIONAL OFFICE AND WAIT FOR THE VA RESPONSE. (JD) 12/17/18
A6: Let the DAV represent you. (AD) 12/17/18
A7: Just be patient! Claims are NOT adjudicated overnight. You have submitted new evidence and now just wait. You're not the only one that has a claim pending at your Regional Office. Leave your claim the way it is (unless you have NEW evidence to submit) and don't go to DAV, because the first thing that comes out of their mouth is: APPEAL!. You don't want that because then you will really be waiting for 5, 6 or 7 years for a hearing. Then it might come back as not approved and you have wasted 5, 6 or 7 years. Just hold tight. Good Luck, Brother. (RA) 12/18/18
A8: File the claim with a service officer and get it done...New evidence is adding to the claim. Don't let it go. (CS) 1/1/19
A9: Take the New Evidence to an S.O. He or she will know what to do. (CS) 11/29/20