Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q217: I am putting in a claim for PTSD, sleep apnea, depression, alcoholism, cirrhosis of the liver, skin rashes, erectile dysfunction, high blood pressure, jungle rot, and vertigo. When I send in my paperwork for service-connected disabilities is it best to file multiple claims all at once or one at a time?

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A1: For me I filed multiple claims and all were approved except for agent orange chloracne because I did not have a diagnosis from a dermatologist! So just make sure you have medical evidence supporting each medical condition claimed!!! (RR) 12/11/18
A2: I would file a claim for everything that you have sufficient evidence to satisfactorily affect your claim. Remember that in order to have a positive outcome, you must fulfill three conditions. You must have an illness or injury in service, a nexus of care from service to the present, and a current diagnosis. If you can answer yes for every condition you are claiming, then you should file a claim for it. (AP) 12/11/18
A3: The first claim is a hard one . With what you have I would go for diabetes 2 . You will fight for that but they will give in and approve it. After that then file for the other problems. One at a time. (GS) 12/11/18
A4: All at once, they will do a C&P and you might as well have everything considered at one time. Also, make sure you are represented by one of the national service officer, i.e., Am Legion, DAV, VFW, etc. Do not file straight with the VA. (MD) 12/11/18
A5: Yes. Definitely. Don't do it any other way. (SR) 12/11/18
A6: If I were you, I would go for PTSD first and only. Later on, one or two of the other ones. I would NOT try to overload it the first time. Remember you have to build a case and PTSD is the best to start building it. Good Luck with PTSD AND stay in the moment: Vietnam, Gulf War, Etc. (RA) 12/11/18
A7: All at once. (RT) 12/11/18
A8: You must gather all evidences of your disabilities documents cerrtified by your private doctors...and make them your evidences of your sure that your documentation be accompanied by your signed statement by you upon you submit them to the VA of you claims ,,,,,a good notary certification by your lawyer can also be a good help to your good luck.....(JD) 12/11/18
A9: File through a VSO. (WP) 12/11/18
A10: You should file all at once and submit all your evidence together. Please let me know if you have any other questions. (TH) 12/11/18
A11: Please. I filed multi claims at once and there easier to deny because u have not proven ithappened in service oe connected to one anothet concetrate on each one individually it best. (RT) 12/11/18
A12: I walked in to the VA Federal Building on Wilshire in Los Angeles--- filled out a one or two page form they gave me at 0900. Filled it out, talked with a gentleman for about 45 minutes and was out of the building at 1000. 2.5 months later I was awarded 70%. NO VSO. Simple. Medic 10th Special Forces 1974-6. (WK) 12/11/18
A13: One claim will do. (JY) 12/11/18
A14: If you have more than one problem and or medical claim, Do them all at once and get it done. Get a SO, Service Officer. They are free and do the work...(CS) 1/1/19
A15: I don't no but I will tell you I was exposed at boot camp severely. I never had no respiratory problems until we bivwacked out where they were using that s***. I played football in high school track and boxed never had a breathing problems. But after sleeping in that s*** a.o. For a couple of nights I could not catch my breath on a 5 mile run. I was 17 perfect health. I passed out woke up 2 days later in infirmary. The doctor said I had bronchial asthma, bull****. I got a medical honorable discharge. I've never been right since never could run a long distance anymore. That was October of 1968. The VA will not help me any. My service # RA1587****. That's right I joined I was not drafted. I love my country but this is bull**** the lies they told. Man there wasn't a leave on a tree in little Vietnam. Fort Polk la. (RC) 9/17/20