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Q214: We are desperate for help. My husband is a Marine veteran who served in the Vietnam War, and now suffers from a lot of physical problems and psychological problems, like PTSD. His VSO said he needed buddy statements from those he served with. Problem is, how do you find veterans you served with? This question is not meant to offend any veterans, but is there a resource that I could possibly pay for that might be able to assist him in locating the veterans he served with?

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A1: Hello, first of all, what Marine Corps Unit did he serve with? Like mine was the 1st Bn 1st Marines, Charlie Company from Sept. 1, 1968 through October 7, 1969. This would help narrow it down to help find some of his friends. Fro instance, Charlie 1/1 has a web page ranging over a few years. I am sure there are more. Second, the VA in Iowa City, IA., has a PTSD group that meets for about 6 weeks or so to help other veterans that suffer with PTSD. It is a class for veterans to get together and talk over their problems Hope this helps in any way and please let me know where and when he served in Vietnam. Thank You. Gene Stewart USMC Vietnam 1968-1969. (GS) 12/7/18
A2: Marine Vietnam veteran is about as general as you can get. You need the narrow the focus, so it would help to know the year(s) in which he served, specific unit(s), his MOS (specialty), participation in combat operations, battles, date of injury, events he remembers, nicknames and or surnames of those with whom he served, his CO or others in his chain-of-command, etc. The more specific the information, the better his chances of reconnecting. For example, I was a Navy combat corpsman Doc who served in Mike Vo, 3/9 during Operarations Frequent Wind and Eagle Pull during April-May 1975. I ran medivacs between the USS Duluth (LOD9) and other ships as well as serving as doc for Mike 3/9's second platoon. My platoon Sgt was Ron Thurmond, LT was Hugh Fitzpatrick, CO was Capt Bobbit. Good luck with your search and Semper Fi.
As a Marine, have him check out social media site such as TWS/Marines & a host of Marine-related groups on Facebook (there are 100's), both generalized and war-specific: go to Veteran's service organizations such as DAV, VFW, American Legion, Vietnam Veteran's of America. Also, because your husband is a Marine, he's not a Marine vet, he's always a Marine. (LM) 12/7/18
A3: Believe it or not Facebook is a good place to start. I had found a lot of the people that I was in the Army with are on Facebook. (JT) 12/7/18
A4: Get his exact unit and check facebook for them. Also Google his unit, company, Regiment, division,etc. and see if there is a web page dedicated to it. You can then look at administrators ,etc. and get help from them. (CR) 12/7/18
A5: You might try "Together We Served". It's a free web site and has a buddy locator included. (RM) 12/7/18
A6: Might try the unit you served with website if they have most likely will and check if there is roster list or a story from any of the unit members that might could help with an email or contact info. (AA) 12/7/18
A7: Marines.together we (BJ) 12/7/18
A8: Why does he need buddy statements? He qualifies for veterans services and benefits simply by having stepped foot in-country. His DD214 discharge papers will prove he was there. If he doesn't have one he can simply request one on line and he will receive an updated copy. Unless I'm missing something I don't believe he is getting good advice from the VSO. He needs to meet with a service officer from the DAV or one of the other veterans organizations. Also in our state we have a very qualified VSO who is paid by the state. He has done wonders for the veterans in this area. Your Post VSO etc. means we'll but is not trained and in certain instances not competent to give advice. (LL) 12/7/18
A9: What unit did your husband serve with and when was he in Vietnam? Here is another site your husband can visit:
Together We Serve -
The United States Marine Corp
Semper Fi And OoooRah my Brother Marines and all Veterans
Vietnam 68-69, 3/9 3rd Mar Div
aka: Hardtimes (TWR) 12/7/18
A10: Try the web site "Together We Served" It has a search function that may be of help and it is free. (RM) 12/7/18
A11: If your husband remembers names, first and last and perhaps the hometown there is a free sight that helps you do searches. A face book page, you have to join the group. USA Military Directory. They have helped me many times, but you have to work with them. GREAT SITE! (DS) 12/7/18
A12: Hello! My best answer is to go to Facebook, search Vietnam Veteran groups, once there enter info about him, then ask your question, or email anyone there with your question. (DM) 12/7/18
A13: If you find some of your husbands friends and they make a statement be sure to have them offer some kind of proof that they were there as well. If they have pictures taken in-country that will help. I had statements and the VA question their honest. Not trying to put road blocks in your way. I just don't want you to have to go back later to add information. Good luck & God Bless. (TR) 12/7/18
A14: Have you tried That site is for locating lost shipmates but also includes other branches. (CDK) 12/7/18
A15: Check Navy Times for a reunion for his unit and contact the committee to see if they can help with finding his buddies. Thank him from me for his service. (DG) 12/7/18
A16: There are few avenues that I would use to locate Marines (and possibly Navy Corpsmen) who served with your husband. First, ask your husband which unit/units he served with while in the service. Facebook and can help track these individuals down. I like because even if the names are not familiar, the profile that a member constructs will help to identify others who were stationed at the same place at the same time. Also, personnel records can be helpful in locating former supervisors. These can be ordered from the National Achives at Often, there can be a variety of details that can help your husband locate someone with specific dates, places, and incidents mentioned in decorations. The virtual Vietnam wall can also help provide details of casualties. Lastly, the Marine Corps Times and Navy Times often feature classified ads to locate specific people or individuals from specific units. Good luck! (AB) 12/7/18
A17: No there is not a single, real, veteran locator service. If anyone claims such title, I would be very careful to pay them and use them.
I myself, RVN veteran Marines 67-70, have located a number of past friends, buddies via the use of many sites, The have changed but probably the most useful used is TWS (together we served) they have a vast data system of pass and current members of veterans from the Last 75 years.
Whatever you do, don't wait too long, many Vietnam veterans are or have passed. I can tell you It may also be helpful to to contact the VVA (vietnam veterans of america) and of course the other veteran groups.
Perhaps, due to the conditions you mentioned, that you husband should contact the local veterans administration, and they will help with those problems, I personally used them for over 50 years, and still do. In all I have completed and retired from the Field of Neonatology as as Respiratory care Practitioner after more than 43 years! There are many people that still care and have always cared about others. (THJ) 12/8/18
A18: As a DAV Service Officer, I highly recommend you research Facebook or Goggle the name of is Marine unit. There are hundreds of website or Facebook pages out there generated by many military units. In 2012, after 42 years, I found guys I was stationed with in Nam and before Nam),by researching the web (goggle). Also, you should write a letter to the VA addressing his physical and psychological problems, like PTSD. The VA accepts such affidavits by spouses and close friends that can attest to his behavior after returning from Vietnam. He should be seeing a VA psychologist who can diagnose him with PTSD and provide him with meds. I hope this helps. (JL) 12/8/18
A19: He doesn't need to do that. Have him write a letter on his own explaining his life story from prior to his going into tbe military and then engage happened after he got out including his family history. You yourself should right a buddy letter on how it is to live with someone with PTSD. I did not use a VSO, I did some research and both of the letters we submitted were accepted. If you need additional help let me know. We filed our claim in June of 2014 and was awarded our claim in December of 2014. My husband was in Vietnam and he barely if at all remembers anyone's name he served with. (MAC) 12/8/18
A20: A resource I used was You have to subscribe and one of their features is helping vets reunite. Only other vets who have subscribed can be located. Hope this helps. (JPF) 12/9/18
A21: Try these websites:
(TO) 12/10/18
A22: Together we served is a website that helps connect veterans. Also the American Legion Magazine along with VFW and DAV, have listing of reunions and veterans trying to contact each other. (MB) 1/1/19