SMC Codes Explained
Category M ½
The following conditions qualify for a rating under Category M ½:
- Amputation of one knee and amputation of one leg so close to the hip that it is impossible to wear a prosthesis
- Loss of use of one knee and amputation of one leg so close to the hip that it is impossible to wear a prosthesis
- Amputation of one knee and amputation of one arm so close to the shoulder that it is impossible to wear a prosthesis
- Loss of use of one knee and amputation of one arm so close to the shoulder that it is impossible to wear a prosthesis
- Amputation of one elbow and amputation of one leg so close to the hip that it is impossible to wear a prosthesis
- Loss of use of one elbow and amputation of one leg so close to the hip that it is impossible to wear a prosthesis
- Amputation of one hand and amputation of one elbow
- Amputation of one hand and loss of use of one elbow
- Loss of use of one hand and amputation of one elbow
- Loss of use of one hand and loss of use of one elbow
- Total blindness with only the ability to perceive light in one eye and the physical loss of the other eye
- Total blindness with only the ability to perceive light in one eye and total blindness without the ability to perceive light in the other eye
- Blindness in both eyes and total deafness in one ear
- Blindness in one eye and the physical loss of the other eye and total deafness in one ear
- Blindness in one eye and total blindness without the ability to perceive light in the other eye and total deafness in one ear
- Blindness in one eye and total blindness in the other eye with only the ability to perceive light and deafness in both ears (rated by the VASRD 30% or more)
- Total blindness in both eyes with only the ability to perceive light and the loss of use of one foot (rated by the VASRD less than 50%)
- Blindness in both eyes that requires the veteran to have someone help with his basic needs and the loss of use of one foot (rated by the VASRD less than 50%)
- Blindness in one eye and total blindness in the other eye with only the ability to perceive light and the amputation of one foot
- Blindness in one eye and total blindness in the other eye with only the ability to perceive light and the loss of use of one foot (rated by the VASRD at 50% or more)
- Blindness in one eye and total blindness in the other eye with only the ability to perceive light and the amputation of one handBlindness in one eye and total blindness in the other eye with the only ability to perceive light and the loss of use of one hand
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SMC Codes Explained
Category N
The following conditions qualify for a rating under Category N:
- Amputation of both elbows
- Loss of use of both elbows
- Amputation of both legs so close to the hip that it is impossible to wear a prosthesis
- Amputation of one arm and one leg so close to the shoulder or hip that it is impossible to wear a prosthesis on either
- Amputation of one hand and amputation of one arm so close to the shoulder that it is impossible to wear a prosthesis
- Loss of use of one hand and amputation of one arm so close to the shoulder that it is impossible to wear a prosthesis
- Physical loss of both eyes
- Total blindness without the ability to see light
- Total blindness with only the ability to perceive light in one eye and the physical loss of the other eye and deafness in both ears (rated at 10 or 20% by the VASRD)
- Total blindness with only the ability to perceive light in one eye and total blindness without the ability to perceive light in the other eye and deafness in both ears (rated at 10 or 20% by the VASRD)
- Total blindness in both eyes with only the ability to perceive light and deafness in both ears (rated by the VASRD 30% or more)
- Blindness in both eyes to such a degree that the veteran has to have someone help with his basic needsand deafness in both ears (rated by the VASRD 30% or more)
- Blindness in one eye and the physical loss of the other eye and deafness in both ears (rated by the VASRD 30% or more)
- Blindness in one eye and total blindness without the ability to perceive light in the other eye and deafness in both ears (rated by the VASRD 30% or more)
- Total blindness in both eyes with only the ability to perceive light and the amputation of one hand
- Total blindness in both eyes with only the ability to perceive light and the loss of use of one hand
- Blindness in both eyes that requires the veteran to have someone help with his basic needs and the amputation of one hand
- Blindness in both eyes that requires the veteran to have someone help with his basic needs and the loss of use of one hand
- Total blindness in both eyes with only the ability to perceive light and the amputation of one foot
- Total blindness in both eyes with only the ability to perceive light and the loss of use of one foot (rated by the VASRD 50% or more)
- Blindness in both eyes that requires the veteran to have someone help with his basic needs and the amputation of one foot
- Blindness in both eyes that requires the veteran to have someone help with his basic needs and the loss of use of one foot (rated by the VASRD 50% or more)
- Total blindness with only the ability to perceive light in one eye and the physical loss of the other eye and the loss of use of one foot (rated by the VASRD at less than 50%)
- Total blindness with only the ability to perceive light in one eye and total blindness without the ability to perceive light in the other eye and the loss of use of one foot (rated by the VASRD at less than 50%)