Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q174: I am a Vietnam veteran who served from 1966-1967 in Pleiku Provence, central highlands with the 52nd Arty Grp, 6th Battalion, 14th Arty, service battery with the rank of Sergeant (E-5). Within a week or two arriving at my unit, I was stricken with malaria. I cannot account for several days after. I eventually woke up in Da Nang and recuperated there for several weeks. My question is this, am I entitled to benefits of any kind because of my illness in Vietnam?

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A1: It's possible. The VA is adding new "presumptives" all the time. Work with a Service Officer. ( I would strongly suggest one from the DAV, but any of them could help) Never deal directly with the VA, they're most likely to turn you down first try. A SO will know how to help. (KD) 10/31/18
A2: If you haven't get to your nearest VA center appt For the Agent Orange Registry. (FG) 10/31/18
A3: Really, have you at least considered visiting a VSO. You might be surprised by what disabilities you could be rated for through the VA. (TB) 10/31/18
A4: You can file for residuals of Malaria. You will probably get 0% unless the malaria is active. (DS) 10/31/18