Those That
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Q173: I recently read the article where VA is going to stop paying out for Unemployability to those veterans who are also drawing Social Security benefits. Is this true?

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A1: I've not heard that knowing that both programs are distributed by different governmental agencies. However, I do know that IU has been on the chopping block for a number of years for any veteran over 62. All I can say is this, if you receive IU, please consider filing a claim for everything on your VA Problem List and request an increase on all rated disabilities that are more than 3 to 4 years old. (TB) 10/31/18
A2: Not really sure myself and was going to apply for SSDI or SSI and asked questions of an attorney. Her reply was it is set up for younger people 65 and below. Which is a screw job to us veterans that are younge. I should have applied back when I was 60 and just got the 90% and 10% unemployability. I expect the VA will take the unemployability away when I turn 70 and then may sue them instead for my degenerative bone disease is because of type II diabetes which is service connected. They give me it for both knees but deny my spine which controls it all. The MRI shows stenosis in lower back area and looks like surgery is needed to stabilize it and open it up more so will not have as many pinched nerves. Even if I do will not get rid of all the pain of which the VA will take away most likely. They wonder why many veterans commit suicide because they can no longer deal with the pain. Any way contact Social Security and ask the question to them if your under 65 or even if your older. I plan on asking them myself and my other question is where is the other $700 of the $2400 I have paid into Social Security for it went from $2400 to $1700 and I sure never got any of it. I am not eligible for I never worked enough quarters and need to work 10 quarters more to be eligible. It would not benefit me even if I could work and now that my spine is giving me such trouble will not be able to anyway. Best of Luck for you will probably need it. (JRM) 11/1/18