Those That
Questions & Answers
INSTRUCTIONS: Please read each question carefully. If you are able to answer question appropriately use the form below the question to respond. Your name will not appear on the public answer page. Only your initials and date of your response will be visible.
Q161: I was denied my benefits by the VA. Saying that my personnel file and medical records are incomplete, and that I need a doctor to say that these problems actually exist. I don't have the money to pay a private Dr., so what do I do?

If you have a question about benefits, compensation, pension or VA related issues please submit here.
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A1: Being unfamiliar with your service history, my question is, are you presently enrolled with the VA? Another question, have you served on active duty since 2001? If yes to either or both questions then you need to get the VHA to provide you with the exams the VBA needs to correctly complete your claim. (TB) 10/22/18