Those That
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Q157: I've worked around aircraft all my 22 years in the military. I still work with aircraft but now in a Shop environment. I was given a hearing test by the VA in Nashville and they said I have hearing loss but they didn't give me anything for it. I also have tinnitus which they tell me is not serious and again, they denied me disability. What else can I do?

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A1: Find a veterans disability advocate. I have been denied 3 times. Helicopter crash totally demolished injured back. Three surgeries later with private healthcare, their final denial said it was caused by auto accident very miner. I recently contacted this advocate who is probally wanting a %. Have not heard back yet. (GA) 10/18/18
A2: I have the exact same situation, but from 105 howitzers. Keep trying every year. It took me four consecutive years and they finally gave me a 10% disability (standard) and hearing aids which have helped considerably. (KP) 10/18/18
A3: Appeal! also contact the American Legion they will help. (RR) 10/18/18
A4: GET A DIFFERENT SERVICE OFFICER RIGHT NOW! I'm 100% disabled due to hearing loss and two service officers wouldn't get more thsn the 10% I had at my discharge. (BW) 10/18/18
A5: Tinnitus is rated 10%. It is 10% for one ear or for both ears. The VA does not grant more than 10%. You can file a Notice of Disagreement yourself. You know more about yourself than anyone. Open this website for information and guidance.
On Block 8 check "NO". Make the VA put everything in writing. A telephone call will not hold up in an appeal. Be specific, detailed, and include copies of your medical records to support your Notice of Disagreement. Pay particular attention to the amount of time you have file your Notice of Disagreement. You have one year to file.
Good luck! (SB) 10/18/18
A6: My advise for you is to keep on fighting; if not for yourself then for those in line after you. I wlll say this though, unless you have a significant hearing loss, you were probably rated at 10% or 0%. If you are able, using your Tricare, get a hearing test from a civilian clinic and have that attached to your claim through eBenefits. Additionally, have them test you for tinnitus as well. Service connection for tinnitus is very subjective and, with your MOS, should be a slam dunk. I guess the bottom line is this, if you don't want to continue the fight that's up to you. If you do, make sure to file the form indicating that you disagree and continue the fight. (TB) 10/18/18