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Q145: Why does the VA deny me compensation for nephropathy? How could I have filed a claim within 2 years of service when no one knew what it was in the 70's?

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A1: The VA denies to save the government money is the reason why they do like they do. I had the same thing happen and where did you serve and were you in Vietnam. Did you go to a VSO and write to your congressman about the VA claim denial. Did you request all your military records for your service history and any military medical records such as your entrance exams and history of medical during service. Any accidents, health issues, etc. Submit only those pertaining to your ealth reasons. Do you have diabetes which is usually the main cause of the neuropathy and if it is type II diabetes when and where did you get it. Was it ten years or so after I had served and brought on due to diabetes for I was diagnosed years after service and you have to prove step by step your case. I started out with 10 percent then 20 percent due to accident with my knee while on leave and a reoccurance of the military not having me see a specialist like I requested. My knee gave out again a year later only worse and needed surgery then because of their neglect. Any and all records to prove your case as well as fellow servicemembers that served with you and the times. Need to get Statements In Support Of Claim filled out by family, friends, service members and what conditions they have and how they know you as well. Get copies of their military time and service to prove they served in the same area and time as you did for the VA will say they never knew you did it to a friend of mine from the service for he took them to court and the VA downright lied to the judge. It will be a long battle and I have been at it for 30 plus years and health getting worse so I am basically a dead man walking and any increased problems I will claim them and take it to court if I must but as long as I have it paid at 100 percent will let it rest. So best of luck to you and keep fighting. (JRM) 10/2/18
A2: Did you possibly see a private doctor for it, that can even remotely link the symptoms to it. A medical nexus is a powerful tool you'll need. (JD) 10/2/18
A3: Take all of your VA rating decisions to a really good veterans service organization like the DAV or if you are a Vietnam veteran, the Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA). Have them review all the evidence and decisions in your VA electronic file. If you served IN COUNTRY in Vietnam, Agent Orange exposure is PRESUMPTIVE. If you served in the Navy and were stationed OFF SHORE of Vietnam, that c ok could be the basis of your denial. Go to DAV or VVA and see what they have to say. Good luck. (KG) 10/2/18
A4: Sleep apena did not know condition existed symptoms were present 69-72 filed later than two years - the RO agree but no hard evidence of treatment or symptoms present while in the military: no nexus to connect present illness to time in military. (RT) 10/2/18
A5: Nephropathy was known in the 70's. Your issue is proving what caused your condition. Normally, nephropathy is related to diabetes. Do you have diabetes? Did you serve in Vietnam? if so, get approved for service-connection for the diabetes first, then claim the nephropathy as a secondary condition. You're putting the cart before the horse so to speak. (AP) 10/12/18