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Q137: I submitted my NOD appeal 11/05/2017, to this date I have not receive any update. Today I get this email about appeals, "VA achieves historic goal by delivering 81,000 appeals decisions to Veterans in fiscal 2018. My question is what about my appeal? I still have no status update. Is this 81,000 appeal that were completed in 2018 are they backlogs from 2016 or 15 or 14?

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A1: Write to your congressman should get an answer or response thru them or the VA in about one month. You never know what to expect from the VA for most regular claims take 2 to 2 1/2 years before any decision. Best of Luck for I appealed for reimbursement for hospital bill and did not get approval from the VA first for urgent care. Does not surprise me any for other appeals as well they usually find a way to ignore it or deny without notification as w Best of Luck!!! (JRM) 9/20/18
A2: There is really no way to know what those appeals are from. Since your appeal seems to be a traditional appeal, from the NOD stage to the decision stage usually takes three years. Be patient. Have you received a form to opt-in to the RAMP, which begins in Feb 2019? (AP) 9/22/18