Those That
Questions & Answers
INSTRUCTIONS: Please read each question carefully. If you are able to answer question appropriately use the form below the question to respond. Your name will not appear on the public answer page. Only your initials and date of your response will be visible.
Q131: I've been denied disability compensation since 2005 for leukemia which I'm still being treated today after 2nd bone marrow transplant in 2010. I’m at the VA clinic every Monday for new blood products that help me live. I served in Vietnam from 1968 – 1970. Presently, I receive 60% compensation for IHD and hearing loss. I’m 68 now and both my conditions have gotten much worse. I’m closer to death every day. Why am I being denied compensation for presumptive disabilities leukemia and hypertension when I have records to prove I'm being treated for Agent Orange related conditions? The fight with the VA is slowly zapping the life out of me! Help! Please!

If you have a question about benefits, compensation, pension or VA related issues please submit here.
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A1: B-Cell leukemias including hairy cell. Is consider presumptive. No other types of Leukemia is considered. Hypertension is not a presumptive illness at this time. (RJ) 9/17/18
A2: There are different varieties of leukemia, and only one is presumed to be caused by AO (B-cell leukemia). B-cell leukemia comes in one of two forms: hairy cell and prolymphocytic. Check with your doctors to see if your leukemia is one of the two; if it is get a letter from the doctor stating the precise diagnosis and apply to re-open your claim because of new medical evidence. I strongly urge that you get the assistance of a Veterans Service Officer from the DAV or other veterans' group. This is not something you should attempt to do by yourself. (TB) 9/17/18
A3: I had to get a lawyer on my case as I have been denied since 2011 I was not even told that I could file for my Agent Orange the did not advise me of filing for AO until 2011 so I am still here and I told my VA that I will fight them until I die and after. My advice to you is get a lawyer and have them get you ships logs if you were in the Blue water navy or Brown water navy. (HA) 9/20/18
A4: Hypertension is now considered presumptive. You need to get on the agent orange register as well as see your local vet rep. and get all of the up to date information. (AP) 6/30/20