Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q123: I am now a 50% disabled Vietnam Vet. I’ve had pleurisy ever since I got out of the service in 1970. Also, I have hemorrhoids, and plantar fasciitis. Since I am already 50% disabled, if I filed for any of the above how much proof do I need and would it take away from what I am getting now?

If you have a question about benefits, compensation, pension or VA related issues please submit here.
A1: Was awarded 50% for plantar fasciitis may 2016. It was pretty quick less than 6 month. (HA) 9/11/18
A2: I am sorry to hear you are going through other issues not already service connected. To answer your question, it requires a couple other ones to be answered. Do you have medical record of being treated repeatedly for it in the service (for each issue). Also, what is your 50% rating for? (Mental health, similar issues, etc). You stand for risk of an already protected rating to be altered if you file a new claim. If you do have evidence of the said issues occurring during and immediately after military service, then I say if you want go ahead and file. If not, you stand for a lot to lose with little evidence to warrant Service connection for the issues. Just food for thought when you decide to file or not. Worse case scenario, initiate a claim without filing it, so you can start a timeline. Work with a VSO to see where you stand and what you need evidence wise in your case (I.E - DAV, American Legion, Military order of the Purple Heart etc) and make your educated decision then or just let the intent to file just expire without consequence. (DC) 9/11/18
A3: I agree, you stand to lose the percent of service-connection you already have. Make sure you are seen regularly for the issues you already have and that they are not getting better. Thats is where they get you. If they can say you are improving you stand to lose. (JJ) 9/13/18