Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q120: I lost my job with the Post Office in 1986 due to severe PTSD behavior. When I initially went to the VA they diagnosed me as a malingerer. It took me almost 20 years to finally get 100% for my PTSD. Can I file for back pay to 1986 when I first filed for disability due to PTSD?

If you have a question about benefits, compensation, pension or VA related issues please submit here.
A1: Unfortunately, you missed the deadline. (AB) 9/6/18
A2: Unfortunately, you will not be successful in this case unless you can prove that the VA made a clear and unmistakable error in the first case. (AP) 9/6/18
A3: I would say you can try but to go back that far you need to have the proof for one. Did you keep all the denied paperwork associated with the original claim. Don't expect the VA to help you find and get it. Contact your congressman and VSO for help and if get no where there than only alternative would be a lawyer and lawsuit in court and if you win the VA will drop you and never get anything from the VA ever again. If you go to court you better have a very good attorney for the VA lies even to judges. It happened to a former shipmate and his attorney did not do his job and he lost. Another shipmate and I gave statements and the VA stated that neither one of us were on any of the same ships he was on. I could have given him the proof to prove it if his attorney or him had asked for it. Be prepared for they will try every underhanded and fraudulent way to win no matter what. So hopefully a VSO says you can do it thru them and if you don't get it then take it to court. I am waiting until the VA takes away even 10 percent and reduces my compensation to half because of it then will take it back to a VSO with evidence of my conditions worsening for they gave me a rating for both my knees for degenerative bone and joint disease but not my neck, spine and rest of my skeletal system which is even worse than my knees. As long as I have the 90 percent service connected and 10 percent unemployability will let dead dogs lie. But I expect the VA will take it away when I hit 70 next year and when I am unemployable they will take the unemployability away. Just the way the crooks that work for the VA and the government do. Best Of luck. (JRM) 9/7/18