Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q115: I've been receiving 10% for bilateral tinnitus at veteran only rate. But I'm married, my children are adults now but my wife and I are together. Should I be receiving a different amount?

If you have a question about benefits, compensation, pension or VA related issues please submit here.
A1: 10 % would be correct, you only start getting paid family compensation rates once you are at 30% VA rating or higher.
Remember 10+10+10= less than 30 to the VA. VA math scale formula. (JM) 9/4/18
A2: Only if you are rated 30% or more then you can get an increase for your dependent wife. (LS) 9/4/18
A3: Unfortunately, no. Until your overall combined rating is 30% or more, you are not entitled to additional payment for your spouse of dependent children. (LC) 9/4/18
A4: No! 10% rate does not include dependents. You have to have a 30% or more for dependents. (WJ) 9/4/18
A5: There is no additional pay unless the veteran has at least 30% disability. (RC) 9/4/18
A6: 10% is the maximum allowed for tinnitus. (RJ) 9/4/18
A7: You should be paid with one dependent. (AP) 9/4/18
A8: the 10% for the BL Tinnitus is correct, are you service connected for anything else? You need to be 30% service connected before you can add your dependent; ie spouse. Please let me know if you have any other questions. (TH) 9/5/18