Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q111: I was stationed at DaNang AFB in 1967 and at Plikue. Later on I was tested for Agent Orange exposure months ago and I have not been notified if I have it or not! Is this just another VA delay tactic? I was given the notion that any one who stepped foot in the country automatically had it. Not until a few months back I learned that I had to be tested. After all these years I am still waiting for the truth. What’s going on here?

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A1: If you were stationed Viet nam and have verication you don't have to prove exposure to AO. AO is not a disease. There is a list of presumptive diseases the va recognizes as service connected and eligible for disability compensation. First you should contact a Service Officer to help you prepare your claim. If your disease is not on the presumptive list it will be difficult to receive and award
Google AO list of presumptive diseases. I think like12 or more.
If you are eligible and apply the date of your application will be used as effective date. The VA is so much better now then when we started. It's a journey. 6 yrs but not things are automated.
Keep good records. American Legion and DAV are both good places to find a Service Officer. We changed a few times until we found the right one. County has help too. You may contact me anytime for you have questions. VA has a EBENEFITS WEBSITE you can register there. You can even apply on line and upload information on the site
Get VA ID card. On line also. $10-12. Any service records should be available to you on this website to. Set up and account/register. User name/password. My husband is finally at 80% and our appl is filed to obtain 100%. If you're disease is on presumptive list expect about 90 days for your response. Send DD 214 Dr letters about your disease. Where you served. You marriage license if married.
If they need anything from you it just slows the process.
Good luck and let me know how it goes. (JM) 9/2/18
A2: We ALL were exposed,,,but you must have a sickness on the list of disabilities to get any comp....Have you talked to a VSO lately of just reading crap? (DM) 9/2/18
A3: There are presumptive disabilities associated to exposure to Agent Orange. Ischemic Hear disease and diabetes2 are two examples. Agent Orange affected many but being is to allow you to files a claim if you have one of the diseases on their list. If you do then contact the VSO and follow his instructions as to how to file a claim and what documentation is needed. (BF) 9/4/18