Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q108: I served 3 years in Vietnam and because of the Agent Orange exposure I had to have my spleen removed, gallbladder removed, and I have liver cirrhosis, for which I was denied disability compensation from the VA. Who should I contact to get help on this? Please answer?

If you have a question about benefits, compensation, pension or VA related issues please submit here.
A1: I ended up taking my claim to a Lawyer as I had been denied twice for compensation as I have IHD, Diabetes Melantus II and other problems. (HA) 8/24/18
A2: When did you get your letter denying your disability? You can submit an appeal if you do so within one year. If is more than one year, you can still submit an appeal. I took one disability at a time and told the VA why I disagreed with their findings. When I retired on 01 Jul 2000 after 32 years 9 months 21 days the VA rated me with zero disability. I appealed and my rating was increased to 50 or 60%.
I appealed again and my disability increased to 90% with Individual Unemployability and being paid 100%. A friend hired an attorney, and was slow rolled. The attorney filed an appeal. In the appeal the attorney did not list any of my friends Vietnam service and said nothing about his PTSD. I wrote the appeal, and sent it to the VA. My friend is now receiving 70% for PTSD. Another friend had a zero percent disability rating even though he was wounded in Vietnam. I helped him file his appeal and the VA gave him 50%. We filed another appeal, pointing out where we disagreed with the VAs findings. He is now receiving 80% disability with 29% Individuals. (SB) 8/25/18
A3: No expert here, but your local Veterans Service Officer should help you. Go to American Legion website and find the search for VSOs nearest you...may be state or county folks. They are trained in the new appeals processes and alternatives in place since last year, and can get you started. In addition, you can then find a private VA certified attorney online, or you can ask the Anercan Legion to represent you, and that appears to be probono. I read recently they handled 6000 cases last year and won reversal in 72% of the cases. (GW) 12/16/18