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VA Allocates More Funding For Veterans
July 17, 2020
Source: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs News Release
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced it is allocating an additional $400 million of its coronavirus relief funding to enhance the department’s emergency relief response for veterans experiencing or at risk of homelessness during the coronavirus pandemic.
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) allocated $17.2 billion for the Veterans Health Administration of which $700 million is devoted to expanding services for and addressing the challenges faced by veterans who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
The newly allocated funds will be used for the Supportive Services for Veteran Families Program (SSVF). SSVF offers several ways to secure housing for Veterans experiencing or at risk of homelessness.
In total, $602 million of coronavirus relief funding has now been allocated for this program, which will also help the Housing and Urban Development-VA Supportive Housing Program place Veterans in safe housing to isolate them from the virus.
Other coronavirus relief funding devoted to providing emergency shelter and supportive services for veterans includes $88 million for the Grant and Per Diem Program and $10 million for the Health Care for Homeless Veterans Program.
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Juddie Barnett, 7/26/20
And well needed.
Kenneth Smith, 7/19/20
We veteran who are still around and the ones who can't get around and talk for them self we to DEMAND a lot more dam money to live on and pay a lot of bills and pay back credit card company, as I need to over $12.700.00 after you ass***** cut off my dam money of $2.900.00 when I was just getting out of the dam hole from you just giving me only $1,110.00 for 4 years. Even who I can't make it on $1,146.00 when my dam rent is at $1.000.00 and the rest go to bills.
Antonio Cassagnol, 7/18/20
How much of this VA CARES Act emergency funding will go toward Mental and Behavioral health counselig, PTSD counseling and treatment, and TBI treatment? How will go toward speeding up the didsbilty claims process, nationwide automation of sharing medical records to include xrays, labs, surgeries, case notes, etc with all hospital and medical facilities nationwide? How much will be deficated to permanent pay increases of doctors, nurses, specialists, cleaning personnel clerks, veteran service officers, PPE- masks, gowns, gloves, N-95 masks, hand sanitizers, disinfectants, to protect against the devastating coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic? And will these PPE items be stock piled for future pandemic outbreaks?
Thomas Miller, 7/18/20
The funding for the Current VA-GPD Programs needs to be monitored by an Agency such as the Office of the Inspector General's because there is a Very High Recidivism Rate when Individuals do nothing but wait until the VA gets them Section 8 or HUD VAST despite they lost it due to Drugs and Alcohol and turn this VA-GPD Program in a "Revolving Door"...the Protocol that " Any Veteran or Family" is to be limited to "Three (3) LIFETIME Assistance" for the VA-GPD Programs DOES NOT Happen and aloud to be admitted "Over 3 Time ( more like 5-10+ times) and get their HUD-VAST Reinstated due to lose it for "Drugs" usage...
The Office of Social Workers who manage this Program needs to have the " National Director of the VA Grant Per Diem Program, located in Tampa Florida" either "Enforce the Procedures to REDUCE the RECIDIVISM RATE" OR have the Office of the Inspector General Investigate the Misuse of the Social Workers bending the Rules because of the "Long Standing Association" with these Individuals who consistently Abuse this VA-GPD...I know for a fact of at least 5 individuals who have been "RECYCLED" MORE THAN 3 TIMES.
Throwing "GOOD MONEY" to those who make NO ATTEMPTS to help themselves...I put the "Blame" on the VA Employees with the Social Workers to consistently ONLY work with those they know...
If the Funding was used properly the way it was intended there could be more Veteran's who would benefit from this "VA-GPD Program then those who use this Programs as a "Way of Life", YEAR AFTER YEAR CONSISTENTLY...