Ships Exposed to Agent Orange

Porterfield (DD-682)
While operating in close coastal waters on March 19, 1966, two officers and a seaman went ashore in a junk On April 8, 1966, a small boat went ashore from Da Nang Harbor with Vietnamese officers.


Power (DD-839)
Sent Commanding Officer and others ashore in whaleboat for briefing while anchored in Da Nang Harbor on November 13, 1968.


Prichett (DD-561)
Operated on Mekong River Delta and Saigon River during August 1969.


Prime (MSO-466)
Docked to pier at Da Nang on February 16, 1967.


Princeton (LPH-5)
Operated as troop transport with helicopters and smaller vessels transporting troops on and off shore during April 1962 and from October 1964 to December 1968.


Radford (DD-446)
Operated on inland Ganh Rai Bay and Saigon River during December 1967.


Regulus (AF-57)
Conducted numerous in-port docking replenishments at Cam Ranh Bay, Vung Tau, An Thoi, and Da Nang during March-November 1966, May-July 1967, February-December 1968, October-December 1969, June-September 1970, and April-July 1971.













Richard B. Anderson (DD-786)
Docked to pier at Da Nang on August 29, 1972.

Richard S. Edwards (DD-950)
Operated on Mekong River Delta in Province of Kien Hoa during February 28 and March 1, 1969.


Richmond K. Turner (DLG-20)
Sent whaleboat ashore from Da Nang Harbor for mission briefing on December 4, 1966.


Robison (DDG-12)
Provided naval gunfire support for Operation Jackstay in Rung Sat Special Zone and Saigon River during April 1966.


Rogers (DD-876)
Sent whaleboats ashore while anchored in Da Nang Harbor July 29-August 3, 1971.


Rupertus (DD-851)
Operated on Saigon River during April 1966 and May 1969.


Saint Paul (CA-73)
While anchored in Da Nang Harbor, small boats sent ashore on May 9, 1969, and May 25, July 17, and September 17, 1970.


Samuel B. Roberts (DD-823)
Operated on Mekong River Delta and Saigon River during December 1965.


Samuel N. Moore (DD-747)
Operated on inland Rung Sat Special Zone during September and December 1968.


San Jose (AFS-7)
Conducted on shore supply replenishment with helicopters and small boats at Da Nang, Cam Ranh Bay, and Vung Tau from October 1971 to February 1972 and September 1972 to March 1973.

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