Those That
June 2, 2018
Mr. John Doe
Veteran Organization
123 Main St.
City, State Zip Code
Dear John:
Thanks for referring me to Veterans Service Officer Jane Doe, who you thought might be able to assist me in gaining disability benefits. I called on Jane last Wednesday to set up an appointment. I finally met with Jane yesterday, and I enjoyed meeting with her to discuss my disability claim.
You were quite correct in assessing Jane’s maturity and expertise. I am sure she can help me with my disability claim and help me in putting together a plan for the future.
Thank you for calling Jane ahead of time to let her know I’d be calling on her. She told me how supportive you’ve been is referring veterans to her. That endorsement from you was an incredible boost to her confidence, determination, and loyalty to veterans.
Thanks again for the referral.
John Smith Army Veteran
Sample Thank You Letter for Referring A VSO