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Mileage Log Book
Mileage Log Book
The customized Mileage Log Book gives all drivers the ability to track miles to and from VA facilities, track gas expenditures, as well as parking and toll costs. The Mileage Log Book is just the right size and feel to manage in a way that the book is not cumbersome to use. The Mileage Log Book fits nicely in a glove compartment for a quick grab to record miles, fuel costs, and parking and toll fees. Using the Mileage Log Book nothing is forgotten. The mile tracker allows you to log beginning miles, ending miles, total miles and reason for travel to ensure the vehicle stays healthy. The Mileage Log Book is perfect for veterans who need to monitor mileage, fuel, parking and toll fees for tax write offs.
Record Keeping
- Maintain Accurate Records: The Mileage Log Book will help you log personal and business use of your car or truck with accurate odometer readings and accurate daily records.
- Tax Deductions: The Mileage Log Book allows you to capture the date, odometer readings, total miles and purpose for your excursion. All the data you need to document personal and business use for the IRS.
- Month-End Summary: The monthly summary log details monthly mileage, monthly fuel totals, and monthly toll totals, which allows you to keep track of possible reimbursement expenses.
- Portable Book: The Mileage Log Book is flexible and portable that enables you to travel with the book by your side.
- Customized Book: The Mileage Log Book is specifically customized with your make, model, and license plate number
- Pre-formatted With VA Facilities: For easy use, the Mileage Log book is pre-formatted with commonly traveled VA facilities, making use of the Mileage Log Book easy and efficient.
Product details
- Series: Fuel, Toll, Park & Mileage Log Book
- Paperback: 100 pages
- Binding: Comb Bind (allows book to lay flat)
- Paper: 20 pound; 88 brightness
- Publisher: Aspyre Media Group (July 1, 2018)
- Language: English
- Product Dimensions: 8 x 0.5 x 11 inches
- Shipping Weight: 12 ounces