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Lowe's Expands Benefits for Veterans
USVCP Staff Writers
November 9, 2018
Lowe’s has announced today that store benefits have been expanded to recognize veteran associates and customers in the military community. Lowe’s will now:
- Honor veteran store associates with a service patch to begin proudly wearing on their Red Vest
- Designate four parking spaces at every store to be reserved for current and Honorably discharged members of the military
- Provide free, full-size American flags on Veterans Day to the first 100 customers at every store with any purchase. Lowe’s will also offer free mini, parade-size flags, up to 1,000, at each store.
We salute you. Thank you!
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Eulis Boyd, 6/23/21
As a 30 year US Army combat veteran, I thank I thank you for what you do for the Vet. Its ones like you that make us feel better after what we received when we returned from Nam. THANKS.
Robert Beaty, 8/26/20
As a former Combat Veteran I say Thank You!
George Barnett, 3/5/20
Thanks for the 10% discount, we really appreciate it.
Van Allen, 2/2/20
I appreciate the 10% off of my purchases every day. That Orange store down the road only gives it every day to us if we have a service connected disability. Of course this is their right. It is also my right not to go there. I have always received better treatment at Lowes than that other store. Thank you for the special parking ,too. i used it today. Army Vietnam Era Veteran. I a veteran gets a My Lowes Card the veteran status can be added to the record and make things go a lot smoother. In Arkansas we can get the Veteran status added to our driver's license.
Jerry Marshall, 1/31/20
Thank you Lowes, you are the best. More stores should follow your lead for us veterans. Thank You.
Maurice Hansen, 12/3/19
When I was making a purchase at your store in San Clemente CA I went to the check outstation. Upon approaching the cashier, I said that I was a veteran, I was then asked for my phone number. As soon as I started to provide the number the lady cashier said in an extra load voice I am hard of hearing so speak up. I honored her request and spoke louder, but no avail she kept telling she was hard of hearing and to speak louder. After several attempts, I was finally able to provide my phone number, but then she said that doesn't work give me another one, which I provided another number, (this took several attempts with an angry cashier). She then said you are not listed as a veteran. I told her I did not know that I was required to register. Then with an angry voice, she shoved a card for me to fill out. I then decided with this type of rudeness I did not need to shop at Lowe's. I paid the full price or the items and now know that I will never shop at Lowe's.
Charles Costa, 10/15/19
Some outlets such as "Wegmans" have spaces designated "Purple Heart Recipients" only.
Thomas Truehardt, 9/21/19
I have found that Lowes has changed it's policy; now, unlike previously, a vet no longer enjoys an extra 10% discount on items that are discounted. It was nice to have this privilege as a vet. shopping at Lowes, it's no longer available to us...Nice going...
Alan Owens, 8/26/19
They also cut there military discount by 50 percent, so the hell with Lowes! There doing this to distract the fact that they cut the discount!
Betty Douzar, 8/14/19
Thank you Lowes for all the appreciation you show and afford for our military community. I love it when the cashier thanks me for my service. That is so special and makes me feel good. You are an incredibly caring and supportive business! SALUTE to you LOWES!
John Paddock, 7/26/19
Whenever I pull into Lowes and see the reserved parking for vets I have to admit it makes me smile. And proud. Thank you.
Stacey Roberts, 5/28/19
Thank You Lowes! I love shopping aft your stores!
John Mooney, 5/28/19
And this is ANOTHER reason that I drive past that orange store when I need hardware, lumber, appliances...ANYTHING! Thanks!
Ernie Massaro, 5/15/19
Keep up the good work! It has taken you about 5 years to become the first place I look whenever I need something for my home. Your treatment of veterans is very much appreciated.
Patricia Sennett, 1/19/19
Thank you Lowe's from a US Navy Veteran. I appreciate your discount program and look forward to your including On-Line orders in the discount. I also am very Thankful for the designated Veterans Parking spaces!
Vayle Hope Benedict, 1/3/19
Thank you Lowe's for all that you do for us veterans. I deliberately drive several miles further to shop at your establishment because "you care.'
Jack Schultz, Sr., 12/14/18
Thank you for all you do.
Paul Blake, 12/14/18
I drive by other home improvement stores so I can spend my money at Lowes because they have always been good to the veterans!
Jake Jacobsen, 12/3/18
The LOWES store in HOMESTEAD FL has a manager that does a great job with VETERANS. He has been active at the Homestead Air Base and works at the VFW in Homestead to let VETS know what LOWES does for them. Please make sure he gets noticed as a great VET and a real patriot.
James Miller, 11/29/18
As a Retired AF SrNCO, I wish to thank Lowe's and ALL the employees of the Lowe's stores I have been in. I have yet to find one who is not knowledgeable regarding certain products I need, or knows where to send me to possibly find the item if it is stocked within Lowe's. Only one other store like Lowe's did this, and that was "Eagle Hardware" in WA State; whom I might add was absorbed into Lowe's when Lowe's came into WA State in the late 80s. Thank you again.
Johnny Striplin, 11/28/18
Thank you for military discounts each and every day. It is appreciated by all veterans.
James Graves, 11/28/18
Things are so much better today for veterans than they were in 1969 when I came home. We owe that improvement to the folks like you at Lowe's and so many other places. Thank you.
Eulis Boyd, 11/28/18
I only shop at Lowes for they not only respect veterans but everyone. Thanks for honoring the veterans.
Edie Nussman, 11/26/18
As a Veteran, I thank you for honoring active duty and military veterans on Veterans Day and throughout the year!
Dennis Dodgins, 11/25/18
Thank you for all you do for vets- ret USAF.
Bill Madden, 11/23/18
Lowe's always goes above and beyond to honor the veterans , greatly appreciate all you do in supporting us vets, God bless you.
Terry Knight, 11/23/18
Thank you Lowe's, is Army RET Nam vet.
Robert M. Brownson, 11/23/18
As an 80 yr old veteran of 8 years of service, I thank you. Your company never quibbles about the 10% discount and the addition of special parking is a gracious gesture. Well done.
Denny Curtin, 11/21/18
Love Lowes. USMC Nam Vet.
John Beck, 11/21/18
Ted Heazlit, 11/21/18
Thank you Lowe's for recognizing selfless men and women veterans that gave back something to this wonderful country! I salute you for your gracious consideration! God Bless this country and the men and women who fought for It!
Grayson Roulston, 11/21/18
Thank you Lowe's for being a supporter and a great friend of the Veterans. Your support means so much all Veterans.
Dave Beck, 11/21/18
Thank you for all you do for veteran. That's the reason I shop at Lowe's.
JR Jamieson, 11/21/18
Thank you for honoring all Veterans. Count on Lowe's for a great selection and good prices.
Margaret Wojciechowicz, 11/20/18
Great job Lowe's! That's why we shop with you.
Jed Larsen, 11/18/18
Russell Cusimano, 11/17/18
Lowe's has a better selection than the Home Depot in my little town. If I need something special I,ll drive the 20 miles to Lowe's to get it. (RC) 11/17/18
William Hill, 11/17/18
Thank you Lowe's for honoring veterans.
Albert Auckland, 11/17/18
Keep up the good work and im Navy veteran.
Robert Torry, 11/17/18
I like shopping at Lowe's, we have bought items there and thank you very much for the discounts.
Roy McClaney, 11/17/18
Thank You!
Christopher Sager, 11/14/18
Thank you all for the recognition. Some will say they do but don't. Your Competitor, " That H-Dpot," doesn't do much for the Veterans anymore. They cut out a lot of the discounts and never said anything until checking out at the register. I haven't been back there for over a year. Thanks again.
Lois Crouch, 11/13/18
Thank you, Lowe's. Lowe's has always been my preferred store for all home improvement needs! I get the 10% discount without hassle. Thanks again.
Thomas Stephens, 11/13/18
Exactly why I shop at Lowe's. Even when it's not convenient.
Robert Beach, 11/11/18
What about store purchase discounts for Veterans? In Florida it is very easy to confirm, (It is shown on drivers license). So we don't have to carry around our DD-214.
George Terminesi, 11/10/18
Thank you Lowe's!! Vets appreciate your recognizing us.
Peter Calvano, 11/10/18
Thank you Lowe's . Home Depot is Not on my shopping stop. I 've been with Lowe's since store opened in Newburgh, N Y. Very grateful for recognizing us Veterans. Even without discount you are my store.
Lee Enloe, 11/10/18
Lowes gives veterans more respect and deals than Home Depot!!
Dennis Martin, 11/10/18
Although myself and, I think, most veterans don't expect free bees from our fellow is greatly appreciated...Thank you Lowe's.