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David Mell, 1/1/19
Spend twenty years of your life....less if you have been injured and discharged....promised every thing and they want to take away little we have...then the fat overweight...overpaid...politicians get exorbitant money...pass themselves eight pay increases in one year....working to hurt the American people.....THIS IS NOT RIGHT FOR ANY VETERAN!
Darby Hicks, 1/1/19
Remember all these suggestions are coming at a time when there is a republican president, senate, and house in control. The president wanted to do away with IU two years ago, I know because I have IU and still have anxiety about losing it because someone has to pay for an antiquated ,ceremonial wall.
John Maddox, 1/1/19
I am in pain all the time. I don't need my compensation cut. Protect the Veterans first cut foreign aid and wasteful Education dept.
John Kenny, 1/1/19
This is typical for these politicians who walk around in custom made suits they don't give a f***- about us veterans. We need these benefits to get by and we earned them the old fashioned way we riske.
Rodger McDonald, 1/1/19
Vote Democrat !!!! Don' let Rich Russian Republicans take our benefits away !!!!
Clair Shaffer, 1/1/19
I agree with Charles Graham...
Martin Kuettel, 1/1/19
Here we go again! Cutting the budget on the backs of veterans. And the worst part, cutting it on the backs of "disabled" veterans. I believe cutting funding to countries that hate us would be a more sensible way to reduce the budget.
Paul Pinkman, 12/31/18
Stop paying our representatives in Congress a full retirements and have them pay for their health benefits, just get a job!
Robert Truss, 12/31/18
Are you kidding me? Hearing loss has been at 40% for the last 20+ year's, and a growth inside my heart that it seams that only Military Veterans have, and then Cancer. Had 3 surgeries, and the last was the worse. Took me down for 3+ year's and I lost my motor skills in my right hand. Now I have a joint arthritis in the upper right arm and shoulder where 2 of the cancer surgeries were. So here we go again! Crippled again on the right side. When will it ever end?
Mark Wayland, 12/31/18
How about eliminating all benefits for congressmen/women, and all senators once they leave office. No lifetime benefits after serving one or two terms. Then institute term limits and get rid of the dead weight. Congress and the Senate was never supposed to be a lifetime commitment. And why in the hell do these people get to vote for their own pay increase. The whole system is corrupt, save some money, go after those signed on the doted line to protect their sorry rear ends. This is just disgusting.
John R. Morgan, 12/31/18
What about those that are not eligible for Social Security or SSDI as well. One did not work long enough paying into Social Security and the other too old to get SSDI. What about us that fall into that category and I guess I will have to sue the VA for all the denials of conditions they knew I have for years and ignored and denied them. They are service connected and have not claimed or pursued at least three of them and now some of my conditions are so bad even surgery will not take away the pain but may make it worse but stabilize it. Many of my ship mates have conditions that the VA only give them up to 30 % so screw them is that the VA's attitude. When the veterans are down kick them is that the attitude. I will be one of them that is in the armed marches against the VA in DC when they get fed up with it enough might as well go out fighting big time. Thought the Civil War was bad wait to when you see organized warfare. Is that why your trying to take away our gun rights so we can not fight back for you will be surprised out how well that can change and how quickly. If the government was going to screw us they gave us a choice of signing up or being drafted so not much of a choice but this last act will be by choice brought on by a uncaring and unfeeling bureaucracy that only cares about the rich and upper class or so called upper class. If they want to reduce the means to live with a income reduced in half then maybe it is time to move out of this country and live off what they give me and pay less in another country while getting paid from this one. I used to be proud to live here and was born here for my ancestors way before me but not anymore when it has come to this.
Travis Griffin, 12/31/18
I don't think that this is fair. We have served out country and this is how they repay us by cutting off our disability, when we get a certain age. This isn't fair.
Michael Hanlon, 12/31/18
Maybe the folks in D.C. could fight their own wars, you think?
David Riddell, 12/31/18
Cut something other then veterans compensation. We fought for your country and this is how you repay us. Taking funding from disable veterans wow makes you want to rethink that Congress and the Senate should not get paid and they should be on term limits.
Johnathan Stowers, 12/31/18
Do you think that it is fair that for those of us who have sacrificed so much, and given so much to our country that we should come up one the chopping block every year so those in power can have it all? Please start with cutting back benefits to congress and foreign aid first, I believe that we who have served deserve so much more.
Armand Anakotta, 12/31/18
The CBO don't give a Hoot Nanny ( S*** ) about the veterans.
John Witt, 12/31/18
I think all the veterans and motor cycle clubs and anyone else need to pay a visit to Washington and straighten these worthless no good POS out. Get this country back to the people. Most if not all have never put their life on the line for this country. We have made these worthless people rich! I think term limits will take care of this bout time we do it...
David Petrey, 12/31/18
Just a mother way to mess over Vets. Keep him down and out.
Marlene Thorne, 12/31/18
This is simply utterly sad to read and hear. We have served proudly and worked all our lives, now to hear this from the CBO is such a lack of respect for us veterans! Cut and stop taking care of the illegal aliens who come over and take all side. They have not put anything into this country. Veterans around the world do not deserve this treatment. Why did we risk our time, lives and families?
Sheilah Spencer, 12/31/18
Send/deport illegal Aliens back to their Country's. Especially the thousands in the Caravans that bullied their way into our Country and funded by George Soros. Cut/reduce all Politicians pay, and cut off any pay once they leave Office. Once they turn 70, they can apply for Social Security Benefits, Medicare. Deny Muslim Refugees into our Country. Stop C.A.I.R. by denying any funding. Cut funding for any Sharia Muslim Country, especially Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Nigeria, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, just some suggestions.
Sunshine Murdock, 12/31/18
This is absolutely ridiculous!! The CBO & the rest of the government need to take a pay cut instead of us disabled Veteran's!! So many veterans will end up committing suicide and/or becoming homeless! All these people who propose taking away from Veteran's need to also propose to have their wages stopped, or at least cut, and then also cut all foreign aid. If it's not for actual, true, legal, working Americans, then cut all funding to it!! Veteran's should NEVER get any funding cut!! In fact, a lot of veteran organizations need MORE funding!! Especially, the healthcare side because VA clinics, hospitals, doctors, etc are a COMPLETE JOKE!!
Marvin Alicie, 12/31/18
This is so wrong and on many levels. First as a disabled veteran, be a use of VAS FUZZY MATH we are being cheated on our compensation. The recommended changes come after Congress approved raising our retirement age to 70 while keeping theirs at 65. Our ratings tables are without a doubt terrible for our disabilities. Stop TAKING AWAY FROM US. WE DON'T DESERVE THIS MISTREATMENT. HOOOOAH and God bless
Charles Graham, 12/28/18
Cut foreign aid for your savings and leave us alone!
Richard Van Der Voort, 12/28/18
First stop ALL $UPPORT, benefits of ANY kind, for "Illegals" that have flooded into OUR country! Vets have a right! They do NOT.
Frank Ushler, 12/27/18
What a disgrace to the American Veteran. With all the expenditures in Washington that are not needed you come up with this. You will increase Suicides among veterans and create more homelessness. Terrible Ideas. Just About The Money
Clair Shaffer, 12/27/18
How about cutting Foreign Aid and leaving the disabled Vets alone.
John Booth, 12/27/18
Well, ... as long as they aren't going to close the Congressional gym.
Joe Brown, 12/26/18
Once color...we are here from the government and we're here to help. In a pigs a** they are.
Alfred Davila, 12/26/18
The Republican Congress and Senate and signed by the President for the tax cuts now want you to pay for them, the saying by them, we will never be able to repay you for service and sacrifice for our country and we care for our veterans is just a lie, they care for corporations donation and their welfare, not you, take a look at who is running the VA a Trump donor he picked at Marolago. sickening.
Don Leo, 12/26/18
Kind of typical. Vets are the easiest target. Probably should cut the budget and compensation received by the white House and the Congress.
George Engeln, 12/24/18
CBO is full of rats and thieves.
Charles Cabe, 12/23/18
Dam Democraps at it again, first thing they will do is give them selfs a pay raise, even though they are wealthy. They can't help the Vets or most of long time Americans, but foreigners get it all.
Martin Kuettel, 12/21/18
Wow! Talk about erosion of benefits. This is the worst proposal
affecting thousands of veterans. If any of these proposals come to congress, I pray that our legislators will kill them.
David Sprayberry, 12/20/18
These people are out tune with the veteran disability this is the only way some of the veterans continue to survive .
Reynaldo Munoz, 12/20/18
Congress needs to look into areas that funds are being abused you know what i mean projects that put money back into pockets of those who are chummy or have so much money they don't need anymore leave the Veterans who really put it ALL on the line live out their lives without having to dig out of garbage cans to feed.
Alphonso Manning, 12/20/18
How do you like your current VA now. I hope the petition is getting drafted. Once this gets confirm. Share online and local Congressmen or women and general public will feel the wrath of Veterans united.
Kenneth Saucier, 12/20/18
Tell me why everytime CBO discusses cutting cost it's always directed towards Veterans..Do you not realize the Veterans are the backbone of this country..why not discuss cutting all the money our government pays out to illegal immigrants who hasn't earned a dime of what they are receiving or talk about all the monies paid out for the lazy people that just want freebies thru welfare that are never looking for work...better yet instead of cutting the money away from the veterans that have given their time and sacrificed their lives away from their families and for this great country for you pukes to take money away from them..why not cut your wages while you're at it...
Alan Janssen, 12/20/18
Cut all the funding for this so called sanctuary cities harboring illegal alians and leave our disability alone. Do you scumbag politicians undestand that?
Arland Blackburn, 12/20/18
This is stupid reasoning by those who have never had any military experience and do not care about those that have served their country. Lastly, the Social Security Administration is one of the toughest places to get benefits, a veteran would have to hire an attorney to get benefits from the SSA Administration. I know, I have experienced it with my relatives.
James Middlekauff, 12/20/18
Reading this is just beyond words. Why are the people who fought for our country always the ones to carry the burden of the National Budget? How about some of the congress people taking a pay cut for lack of service? This is just unbelievable. I have been waiting 4 years (so far) with 100,000 appeals in front of me for IU and now by the time I get an answer, there will be no extra monies. So glad I served proudly for 22 years...
Larry Cutrone, 12/20/18
What a load of crap! Take away our benefits while considering giving benefits to illegals? Hopefully NOT on Trump's watch!
Richard Puchyr, 12/20/18
Fund the wall and eliminate all monies paid to illegal immigrants, instead of f****** over veterans!
Mike Nielsen, 12/20/18
This sucks . . . Especially for retirees who depend upon their benefit check to survive and have no other way to support their families. You think the suicide rate is high now . . . Think about it.
Richard Deckert, 12/20/18
Why not reduce the large amounts given to non-combatants employed by the government. They have not earned benefits for defending the USA as the veterans have done!
Robert Christy, 12/20/18
The cuts being proposed, highlight the fact that those who develop and propose them have not served; they are pencil pushing people that have lived in the swamp (DC) to long.
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