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Agent Orange & Herbicides In Areas Outside of Vietnam
Veterans whose service involved military duty on or near the perimeters of military bases outside of Vietnam between February 28, 1961 and May 7, 1975 may have been exposed to Agent Orange or dangerous herbicides and may qualify for VA disability benefits.
The following represents areas where veterans may have been exposed to Agent Orange and other herbicides outside of Vietnam:
1. Cambodia
Southeastern part of Kompong Cham Province and Dar and Prek Clong plantations, Cambodia
2. Canada
Base Gagetown near Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada
3. India
Kumbla, South India
4. Korea
Korea, third Brigade, 2nd Division area
5. Laos
In December 1965, herbicide operations were begun in Laos, with sorties being flown from Tan Son Nhut and Da Nang.
6. Puerto Rico
Las Mesas and La Jagua experimental areas at Mayaguez, Las Mesas and La Jagua, Mayaguez, Joyuda at Cabo Rojo, and Guanica Insular Forest at Guanica, Las Mesas and La Jagua, Mayaguez, Guanica Beach, Loquillo, Las Marias, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico
7. Thailand
U-Tapao Air Base, Replacement Training Center of the Royal Thai Army near Pranburi, Thailand
Agent Orange & Herbicides In Areas Outside of Vietnam
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Richard Donegan, 1/4/22
I've had peripheral neuropathy since the day I came home from Vietnam at the end of 1969. I've had bladder cancer, and have high blood pressure. So far the VA has turned these down for Agent Orange related injuries. I spent a year in-country even though my DD214 doesn't mention where I served (a common occurrence during this time frame as the clerks that did the paperwork often were too lazy to properly update them). I was able to verify I served there from medical records from where I served. The 3 ailments I have are all "Presumptive" illnesses linked to Agent Orange. The VA has turned down my claims, despite this. I've been fighting them for over 10 years. I was about to attend an appeal hearing when my VSO informed me I would lose because the VA won't approve these illnesses unless you also have Diabetes. I believe the VA's philosophy is "Deny Deny Deny and Hope They Die" as a means of cutting their expenses.
Roger Olson, 5/12/21
I was on board the USS Canberra cag2 off the coast of Viet nam in 1966 two tours. I am told we were exposed to agent orange during this time.
John Overby, 4/7/21
I have liver problem never been test for agent orange.
Ralph Leidy, 1/12/21
Summer of 1974 I was loading agent orange on a7 aircraft on the flight deck of the uss ranger cva61.
Jimmie Wise, 1/10/21
This is in reference to articles on agent orange, they keep putting them on and I keep reading them, and all the other persons who served this country and came back, yet no one seems to be doing nothing about it , VA facilities all have thier own way of handling applications and really dont listen to applicant when applying, also why is not anyone higher up in this command puhing this matter and get it moving, also how can an indivudal prove of what he handled and where he went and when this happened with agent orange. Send this to our next president.
Rob Rey, 11/30/19
Ships were proven sprayed with AO that last over a decade, yet they are barely mentioned. I see the transport planes are included now. I was on a ship for 6 months that was sprayed a few years earlier. VA PLAYING GAMES AGAINST VETERANS WHEN WE ALL KNOW AO IS DEADLY FOR WELL OVER A DECADE!
Lloyd Brady, 9/13/19
I was in Korea 2nd division area inn 1980/1981 do I get paid for agent orange I am a disabled veteran?
Donald Hoffman, 9/7/19
I was in Laos, my order said I was sent to Thailand. Have had cancer, high blood pressure, and early stages of kidney problems. VA said I can't prove I was in Laos.
Mervin LeBlanc, 9/7/19
Why didn't you include areas in the continental U.S. I was exposed to Agent Orange in 1967 while attending Annual Training at Ft Chaffee, AR. I submitted a VA claim for Prostate Cancer and Diabetes Type II, which was approved. I now receive VA disability compensation, CRSC, unlimited VA benefits. Through the years my VA disability rating increased due other problems, to include quadruple heart bypass surgery, and I am now rated at 100 %.
Jimmie Wise, 9/7/19
On this particular article I just read it states U-Tapao air base what about the other bases in Thailand I was stationed at Udorn air base and was a supply man who handled drums of agent orange and the barracks where I slept was 10ft from perimeter fence that was sprayed with agent orange,how come none of this is mentioned in your article??????
Chris Sager, 8/29/19
What good does any of this do for us?
Ralph McClurkin, 8/27/19
I believe I was exposed to Agent Orange while serving in NE Thailand in October to April of 1971. I was stationed at the 7th RRFS. Once a week someone from Udorn airbase did a flyover spraying the base with a herbivore exposing everyone on the base.
Francis McKenna, 8/27/19
1968 I drove 5 ton tractor trailor with 5,000 gallons of MOGAS Plieku, Kontum, to Dak To. All trees and green destroyed by Agent Orange. Then asked to fly in a plane and drop off this killer agent.
Daughter has Chrons and I had colen cancer,....VA said no. Asked for a map of where Agent Orange dumped in Vietnam and was sent a map of Korea!
William Redington, 8/27/19
with river div 91 been on a/o list for years ,also recived nothing / have lots of problems some day somebody will listen and do something.b.r. m913.
Danny Aiken, 8/27/19
I serviced in Vietnam1970-1971 with The 11 LIB and as a gunner/scout/ on a OH6A, and we escorted UH1H spray ships. Our ship was covered and we were covered in that stuff. Our aircraft was always washed down by the white water trucks, but we were told that stuff was not harmful. The VA says I am in good health at 71 years. I am not suffering from any of thing except age.
Larry Cutrone, 8/26/19
One of my good childhood friends was an MP in Korea in 67-68 and spent a considerable amount of time in the DMZ while working for ASA. He has suffered with cancer of the digestive tract, wears a colostomy bag and has not been able to get ANY compensation from the VA. At least 2 of his 3 children had obvious problems at birth (hydro encephalitis for 1 and malformed heart) again with NO compensation since he was denied due to no evidence he was exposed. I wonder if he was to go back again and try, if things might be different, and also if any of his compensation could be retroactive to when his cancer was diagnosed. Also, what about compensation for the kids with problems starting at birth when their problems were diagnosed.
Steve Hummer, 8/26/19
Question, what herbicides have and are still being used on the and around Military/Government installations In the continental united states? I have as well as many others witnessed spraying while on active duty at many locations.
Allen Farmer, 8/26/19
I filed to letters with the VA. I was in Thailand where they sprayed it. They said u can't prove it. Just a fact that they did spray it. So I'm kinda done with the hassle of the time and effort to pursue this.
Clayton Choo, 8/26/19
Served in Vietnam 1968-69 in the area of Danang and ChuLai as a Dustoff Pilot with the 236th and 54th Medical Detachment Units..
Seen many times the Air Force or Air America? Drop chemical? To kill the vegetation to expose the Vietcong hiding places...
Gary Dodds, 8/26/19
If you served in Viet Nam you were exposed to Agent Orange.
Alfonso Alvarado, 8/26/19
M.S. is part of agent orgent.
Paul Davidson, 8/26/19
Spouses of service connected vets should be compensated for at least or more of the service connected percentage awarded to that deceased vet. Its only right!!
Jim McMahon, 8/26/19
I served in ASCOM City area during 1971where agent orange was stored after it came off the ships from the states to Inchon. I had triple by-pass surgery have hypertension just to name a few conditions I have however, the VA fails to recognize AO was stored in Inchon City. When will the VA finally admit A/O was stored in ASCOM City military units in Korea?