Those That
Veterans Get Huge COLA Increase
USVCP Staff Writers
October 12, 2018
It’s official! Starting December 2018, veterans who receive VA disability compensation and/or pension will see the largest Cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) increase in six years. Because of the large increase, some veterans will see almost a $100 increase in their monthly checks.
On October 11, 2018, the Social Security Administration (SSA) announced an increase of 2.8 percent for their beneficiaries, which in turn, in most cases, applies to VA compensation increases.
Under current law, annual cost-of-living increases are automatic for Social Security benefits, meaning the executive branch of Government can enact them without intervention from Congress. Certain other federal benefits, such as military retiree payments, are also automatically boosted by that decision.
But the SSA announcement also functions as the baseline for a host of other federal benefits calculations. Some, such as VA compensation and pension require approval and reauthorization.
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Larry Boettcher, 3/12/19
I don't consider 2.8% increase high.
James Graves, 11/28/18
I can't speak for any of those folks who offered negative comments, but I can tell you this. When I enlisted in 1967 I wasn't thinking about the compensation I would get if I were wounded. I knew nothing at all about it. I enlisted because I believed then, as I do today, that we all have a responsibility to do what we are able to do to serve. If you think you're being treated unfairly, consider the compensation that the Vietnamese pay their people.
Joe Emerine, 11/15/18
You should not be mad just be happy we made it home if we could do it again I would tell them to go and I will put it up you’re a** when you get back.
James Nunley, 11/9/18
I am pretty sure some other hidden cost will quickly evolve and take the few extra pennies we are supposed to receive. My issue is how can they take 2/3 of my social security that i paid in just because I get a Federal retirement, which BTW I paid for also. ALL B******T. But the rich we kept safe, smile all the way to the bank.
Randy Smith, 11/9/18
Yeah. Huge. Right. After the tax cut, that did not affect me at all, the county decided they would increase property values, increase license fees and raise sales tax by .25%. With that HUGE Cola increase, I'm still losing ground...!
William Hobbs, 11/9/18
My current gross retirement pay is $2882.00. Todays retiree at the same pay grade receives $3690.00. How is this "taking care" of the military retirees?
Arthur F. Loveland, 10/29/18
You think 2.8% is a huge increase, that is no way keeping up with the Cost of Living.
Lovie Martin, 10/29/18
That's great.
Robert Angle, 10/27/18
I was homeless for six years and sought housing assistance. My gross pay was $50. Too much so I spent another year homeless. Rents here at $400. Less were nasty. Thanks to the VA I regret serving for 22 years.
Mike Allumi, 10/27/18
No offense to anyone who wrote this, but HUGE is not the word I would use to describe this raise. No doubt it is a good one, but the increases of late have been so small that I'm sure this one seems "huge".
Albert Baca, 10/26/18
So we get a COLA increase but the downturn is that something else also increases, like higher insurance premiums for those people who receive a federal civil service pension. I receive both a disability check and a civil service pension, but every time I get a COLA increase my civil service health insurance premium also skyrockets. It would be nice if we received the same type of coverage that our Congressional members get. But that's too much to ask from these carpetbaggers.
Donal Douglas, 10/21/18
Every time I get a pension rise they send me a letter saying that I owe them 32000.00.
Charlene Lindsey, 10/20/18
Whose approval and reauthorization does this depend? What do veterans need to do (fill out forms, jump through hoops) to ensure approval and receipt of increase? I hope it is automatic as we know not every veteran will be informed and may not receive if there is action to be taken on our part.
Donn Bryant, 10/20/18
All I hear here are negatives. Would you have taken the compensation if at the time there had been no promise of increases along the way? It seems like some people think life is never good enough. Did you join the military because there would be compensation in your future. I think the VA does a pretty good job unless your local VA hospital stinks. But that is a local issue which you have a say in!
James Bowerman, 10/17/18
Yea,we'll see. Promises, promises. With the huge deficit created by Trump's tax cut for corporations and the rich, they (the GOP) are already looking for programs to cut to make up the shortfall and the GOP has a documented record of trying to cut or decrease Veterans benefits for the past 6+ years, particularity since Trump was elected, despite all their rhetoric about "supporting" Vets. I've kept a close eye on what Congress has proposed as far as vets go, as I'm 100% disabled and DEPEND on every dime I get, as are so many other vets. Hell, they have recently proposed a 2 year cap on comp. for PTSD, saying that it "only makes the vet "dependent" on compensation and diminishes the vet's motivation to try and become "independent""...REALLY? How many of these congressional schmucks SERVED and experienced what effects combat has on a person? Anyway....we'll just have to wait and see what we actually get for COLA this time around.
Jim Brace, 10/15/18
At the top it seemed like we WILL see the raise automatically in Dec then at the bottom it states VA compensation and pension require approval and reauthorization. If we receive compensation do we have to wait for any further approval?
William Napoli, 10/12/18
We need this help.
John R. Morgan, Sr., 10/12/18
Now we know where the money to pay the Huge COLA will come from. The other veterans that are getting letters that they were overpaid by the VA and will want the money back by taking it out of the disability checks they are getting until paid back. Will that be all of the disability checks they are getting so they will end up in the street so lets see how the VA will take the money back. If they screwed up and probably for years why do the veterans have to pay it back for if a high up VA official doubt he would have to pay even a penny back and doubt they would take his whole check to collect it back. I hope congress keeps a close eye on this one and think I will be contacting my congressman to ask for an congressional investigation to make sure it is fair and reasonably collected if they must do so.